View Full Version : Alternator life...

08-03-2009, 09:18 PM
How long does an average Honda Beat alternator last? Mine has 40,000km on it. Should I do it while I do the timing belt swap, or do the alternators last for a generally long time (over 100,000km?)

08-03-2009, 10:21 PM
Uncle J, take a step back and breath in. You seem to be wanting to change so many of your Beat's parts before time. It's not an old skoda you know, it's a HONDA. Chill with the change this change that atitude :eek:

08-03-2009, 11:57 PM
Uncle J, take a step back and breath in. You seem to be wanting to change so many of your Beat's parts before time. It's not an old skoda you know, it's a HONDA. Chill with the change this change that atitude :eek:

:) Sorry, its just that I just got it not very long ago, I tore lots of it apart, and figure while I am in doing the cambelt, I might as well replace anything else that is a wear item, like the distributor and such (this is why I am doing my dizzy now as well). It takes SOOOOOO long to get the parts from Japan and then once they finally get here, I have to find someone to install the parts. Where I live, even a simple problem takes probably over 1 month to fix all said and done from ordering the parts to getting them installed. If my distributor goes, then there is 1 month of my driving gone...don't forget that we only have about 4, maybe 5 months of good weather for driving such a car, so a mechanical breakdown would mean I've lost 1/4 of my yearly driving!!!:eek:
But seriously, its just I enjoy driving my cars, instead of fixing them, and if its apart anyway, might as well do all the items that might need replacing, as she is 18 years old now and I have NO clue on the maintenance history. My motto is to fix it before it breaks...kinda like replacing the capacitors on the ECU BEFORE they leak over the board (I think you are planning on doing this as well?).
I've heard the alternator in the Beat spins 2x as fast as a conventional alternator that makes it wear out faster? Is that true?
Thanks kindly,

09-03-2009, 02:28 PM
:)kinda like replacing the capacitors on the ECU BEFORE they leak over the board (I think you are planning on doing this as well?)

Yes true, but this is a known problem. Alternators aren't.

09-03-2009, 09:22 PM
Yes true, but this is a known problem. Alternators aren't.

Neither were waterpumps...

09-03-2009, 09:37 PM
doing the pump on mine whilst its open, water pump runs on same belt as cam etc so if it seizes or whatever can take out alot more with it.

alternator spins free & on independent belt so if it seizes it won't wreck the engine & is an easy fix

09-03-2009, 11:55 PM
I suppose I could just look, but is the A/C on a seperate belt?

10-03-2009, 12:37 AM
yup. a/c compressor has been removed, but belt is still visable

10-03-2009, 02:43 AM
doing the pump on mine whilst its open, water pump runs on same belt as cam etc so if it seizes or whatever can take out alot more with it.

alternator spins free & on independent belt so if it seizes it won't wreck the engine & is an easy fix

That is the answer I was looking for. Thanks guys! I'm assuming they are not that common to go from what everyone has been saying.
I just heard then spin faster than a typical alternator because of the small engine???
Thanks again,