View Full Version : Our beat from then til now...

02-03-2009, 11:02 PM
following beardos suggestion, ive decided to try and make a thread about our car and keep it up to date as we go along.
all these pics are from my blog but it'll allow me to keep things all in one place at least. The blog has much more info so i'll try and keep this brief. i'm sorry if its a bit all-over-the-place, its quite tricky trying to remember everything!
apologies for the links to the pics- the uploader still isnt working :(

OK, here's the little chap just after we got him.
We spent quite a while trying to work out which car to get - basically it came down to either a much newer mx5, a cappo or a beat. Which ever car we decided to go with it was definitely going to be a keeper (providing it didnt blow up etc!) and eventually we chose the beat over the cappo, based mostly on looks to be honest and the fact that it was a honda. After driving one for the first time this was reinforced even more!
The extra budget left over from not buying an mx5 would be spent making the car into something unique and teaching myself a bit about how cars work...
There were 3 beats available when we were looking. In the end we went with one that was quite a lot cheaper than the other two. Straight, totally standard, 121k, very recent import so rust free but with a DIY blow-over respray (we found out why later). The paint didnt bother me too much at the time - i was more concerned about finding one without rot and that was mechanically sound.

Heres a picture with his friend in our car park:

After a happy summer of driving winter came round and it was time put the beat into hibernation and begin work to restore and change a few things.
First up the car was checked into our friends garage for a full engine rebuild. This was done as a precautionary measure really to try and prevent having to do it later down the line under less ideal circumstances.
On stripping everything down no damage or serious wear was found apart from worn seals so it was just a case of replacing the rings, bearings, belts and seals with new ones, and lots of prep work before it went back together again.
A stainless mugen manifold was wrapped up and bolted on before everything went back where it should be.
This took a lot longer than expected for several reasons but we got there eventually:
from this:
to this:

to this:

While the car was off the road we decided what direction we wanted to take it in in terms of how it was going to look. As i mentioned before it was the looks of the beat that really appealed when we first got the car and i never get tired of looking at it :D

After a lot of research we settled on a FEELS aero kit and hardtop which arrived from japan courtesy of Hyeline Performance in Cardiff:

This then sat in our lounge, followed by my mums house for about a year or so as I didnt have the heart to take the little chap back off the road for the bodywork!
With the car back running again we set about meddling with stuff and sorting a few bits out - these pics are from the past 12-18 months or so. ive tried to keep them in a rough order but i got confused so apologies in advance:

New cobra roadster 7 seats went in with the help of some adaptors from japhoo:

Quick release wheel for security:

Mugen exhaust to go with the manifold:

4 point bolt-in saito roll bar went in (and meant the passengers seat had to go back to zebra for a while!):

strut braces:

then yet another big box from rinkya japan arrived with these in:

Mugen shocks with lowering springs went on, sadly i dont have any before and after pics tho. This made a huge difference to the ride and handling of the car - it was a pretty amazing change... tho i think it needs another gentle tap with the lowering stick to get it down a bit more. Once the car is back together again one of the things i'm planning is a trip to get some custom springs made up...

At some point this came out:
and with a bit of this:
was soon replaced by this:
which in turn was attached to this to make some rumbling noises:
and the cassette holder and handbrake console was replaced with shiny black things to match:

New roof clips to stop the hardtop rattling:

02-03-2009, 11:03 PM
One job i'd wanted to do for ages was to re-trim the interior to match the new seats. I started off planning to do this myself, but having bought £50 worth of alcantara material to do the job i chickened it and dropped everything off with Claytons here in sheffield.
To be honest im very glad i did i would have probably made a proper mess of it! :D

The doors were the last job before the car came off the road again at xmas 08. It was time to move the bodykit out of my mums house. Here's one of the last pics of it in the old guise:

On boxing day i began stripping down the car to get it ready for the bodyshop and the rest of the planned work:

The interior came out as well for a clean up as well...

On the 5th jan the car went off to the shop:

First visit to the bodyshop:
Car was checked over inside and out, no rust found :D
However, the reason for the original bad paint was quickly found - there was filler in the bonnet.
Its obviously had damage at some point, we suspect maybe vandelism as the old rear screen also had some weird big scratch marks in it too but the rest of the car shows no sign of damage... so the hunt for a new bonnet began...
On another positive note tho, the new rear wings were being fitted as was the rear bumper:
At this point we kept having to look at the FEELS catalogue shots to remind us what it was going to look like! :p

While the car's been in the bodyshop Ive been slowly working my way through the boxes of trim and seals, cleaning everything and replacing any knackered bits:


I dont have any more pics really of cleaned stuff, but suffice to say theres an awful lot of honda beat in boxes in our lounge at the moment!

Next visit to the bodyshop and the work on the bodykit was pretty much finished. The guys reinforced it at the fitting points and then moulded the arches into the bodywork. Here's where we were at - almost ready to head for the paint booth:

Next visit and things were looking very very red:

A new bonnet was sourced up in leeds (thanks to everyone who tipped us off!) and this was sprayed along with the remaining bits:

Finally the car was undersealed and a new screen fitted. Roof, scuttle panel and a few other details were sprayed gloss black, and all the trim/seals around the screen were replaced.
The little guy came back home about 2 weeks ago (mid feb), heres how he looked:
new screen:
interior needs a bit of a dust tho!

so... thats roughly where we're at now!
At the moment work has been a bit crazy so i've not had a chance to get any rebuilding done yet, although i've been putting a few bits and pieces back together at home in the evenings. I've got a lot of new seals, clips and small parts which is making it very satisfying to work with.
Plans for the near future include getting everything back together, then fitting these:
giving the brakes a good once over then a full service ready for the summer and MOT... i want to look into the new springs idea as well.
I'm sure there's loads of other bits i've forgotten to mention as well!

I'll try and keep this thread up to date now, apologies for the huge first post - just re-read it now and i feel exhausted!
thanks a lot for reading and thanks to everyone in the club for their help and input and anyone who's helped us out thus far!
...just wish the pic uploader was working!

02-03-2009, 11:39 PM
Excellent write up Mike. For some reason it seemed more satisfying than reading your blog!

Keep the updates and the pictures coming.

03-03-2009, 12:18 AM
excuse my french, but holy poop!:D That looks great, and I mean GREAT! The alcantara turns the interior from honda into ferrari! Very impressive!!! Great job! I can not wait to see it done! (probably not as much as you!;)) You really made it better than new.
Keep up the good work and keep everyone posted. This will be one hot thread I'm sure!

03-03-2009, 01:40 AM
Far out.

Consider installing carbon heat pads in the seats. Individual controls and occupant sensor. Works great. Less than $200US.

03-03-2009, 07:37 AM
Well done, the car is looking very well indeed. I can't wait to see it finished and in the flesh. Keep the updates coming.

03-03-2009, 09:41 AM
thanks guys - sorry its taken so long to write and then for you guys to read as well!
ive just skimmed over stuff really - its really hard trying to think of all the bits n bobs. at the moment im just really enjoying making all the trim and rubbers look like new! :D
theres at least one other biggish job i remembered last night i'd forgotten to include and i've forgotten it again this morning! haha. :suicide:
here's a few other minor bits i missed:

55mm funnels - actually made a really big difference to mine! much smoother through all the revs, shifts the torque noticably.
battery - replaced with proper sized unit
bulbs - PIAA bulbs fitted
mats - Honda Primo mats and parcelshelf cover
indicators - cozylights clear lenses/orange bulbs
central locking / cat 1 - this was fun. clifford black jacks cat 1 was fitted which took about 6 hours of swearing by the alarm guys to get it all squeezed into a beat.
mylees lights - awesomely polished rear lights from mylee - thankyou!! :D
clear engine cover - acrylic engine cover from japhoo. means you can actually watch the beat's engine explode when the inevitable happens.
short steering boss - solid aluminium short boss from SSI as the column was too long for my liking once the quick release boss went on.
PIAA 510 Driving lights - going into the bumper at the moment with some help from Mr Drill and Mr Welder.

Ill keep the thread updated in much more detail now as things start to go back together again.

03-03-2009, 04:52 PM
clear engine cover - acrylic engine cover from japhoo.


03-03-2009, 04:59 PM
forgot to mention as well... currently i have about 6 glasses of tesco value vinegar in the lounge, each full of bolts and fixtures being cleaned up a treat!
smells pretty interesting tho... :p

10-03-2009, 10:14 PM
update from the weekend -
driving lights arrived and installed into bumper:

10-03-2009, 10:17 PM
Window seals put back in with new wipers as well, and spent a while under the bonnet with a toothbrush and some degreaser. I need to get in there with some black paint/waxoyl before the lights etc go back in...

10-03-2009, 10:19 PM
Here's how things look at the mo. Next job is to find a nice sunny day and get busy with a big drum of waxoyl and 'crevice probe'! :p
oh yeah, cleaned up the rear lights as well. :)

11-03-2009, 08:54 AM
Looking very nice :D

11-03-2009, 09:37 AM
Looking good Tado. Keep it up, Summer is just around the corner.

11-03-2009, 10:39 AM
thanks guys. i'm not so worried about summer, more worried that the rising sun show is very just round the corner and the chap needs a full service before then as well! :p

11-03-2009, 01:22 PM
Looks like those driving lighs were made for the Beat :D
Coming together nicely.

11-03-2009, 07:41 PM
awesome been following your blog as said on kkip

can't wait to see the finished car :D

04-04-2009, 11:25 PM
bit of a major update :D
car is now waxoyled and undersealed...

04-04-2009, 11:28 PM
then started putting stuff back together:

04-04-2009, 11:31 PM
cleaned the engine compartment up a bit, then moved round to the front...

04-04-2009, 11:37 PM
then the front bumper finally went on... then i went for a drive
8000rpm sounds very good after 3 months of garage-time.:D

04-04-2009, 11:40 PM
so thats where we're at so far. ive been doing loads of niggly/fiddly jobs as ive been going along, so far ive managed to resist the urge to just bolt everything back together!
next up, tidy up the last exterior bits and then move on to the interior....

05-04-2009, 06:29 PM
love it will be even shiner once you finished what you need to do and given it a detail

05-04-2009, 06:29 PM
Great work Mike. There will be a nice selection of Beats at the Rising sun show at this rate.

05-04-2009, 06:55 PM
cheers guys
should have apologised before for the crappy pics - they dont really do it justice to be honest! :p
i cant wait to give it a wash and a polish - just spent today going round doing loads of niggly little jobs so not much to report. hopefully we should have an interior fairly soon tho!

06-04-2009, 11:32 AM
Well done Mike, it looks lovely :D

19-04-2009, 12:38 PM
ok, interiors started to go back in. neither the dash or carpets caused any headaches which i was very relieved about! suddenly all the hard work cleaning everything seems worth it - its really nice being able to work with everything spotless. i also swapped the interior lights to LED bulbs to try and brighten things up a little.
only had an afternoon on it yesterday but hoping to get the inside finished off this week at some point...

19-04-2009, 02:03 PM
looking nice now Mike, will mine be the only standard one at Rising Sun then?

29-04-2009, 05:19 PM
weekend update - pretty much all back together now.
on saturday i wired up some crossovers for the speakers and installed the new tweeters. stereo console and sub went back in.
on sunday the last bits went back together and the little chap had his first proper wash and wax.
found out over the past few days that the roof's leaking quite a bit now tho - need to get out and adjust the seals pronto!

29-04-2009, 05:23 PM
some more pics:

30-04-2009, 09:09 AM
YAY for tax disc holder hehe

Just realised I forgot to get your H badge :suicide: sorry dude I'll do it at the weekend or else you can officially shoot me

30-04-2009, 10:53 AM
Looking the dogs knackers :cool: There will be some nice Beats at the Rising Sun show if all turn up.

At Old Uns, I will be bringing a standard red Beat also if I can its engine in this week.

30-04-2009, 04:19 PM
YAY for tax disc holder hehe

Just realised I forgot to get your H badge :suicide: sorry dude I'll do it at the weekend or else you can officially shoot me

hehe - no worries at all!! i need to send your package off as well this week.