View Full Version : How to remove the tape unit...(pics)
23-02-2009, 06:34 AM
My tape unit does not work, or rather when I turn the car on, it just sits there trying to spit a tape out (the eject mechanism seems stuck or something)
No big deal, I don't use tapes anymore anyway (i'm going to hook up the cd changer).
SO, my plan was to just remove the tape unit and problem solved. Hopefully this will not cause any errors with the stereo??? (advice...?:help:)
I almost have it out, but i'm not to sure how to remove it. I've removed the 4 screws holding it down to the stereo, but I don't know how to get it off the board. There are 2 screws shown in the pic that I could probably remove, but how do I detach it from the stereo so I can take it out? Please see pics below for what I mean
I once upon a time found a thread/weblink that had a step-by-step on how to remove/replace the tape player. Does anyone have that link?
24-02-2009, 04:16 AM
I'm sure someone must have done this before? That, and there used to be a PERFECT link/website that showed how to do this step by step!
24-02-2009, 05:36 AM
Ok, I figured it out! It unhooks from the two white clips...just pull up, like you would removing a stick of ram from a computer! Piece of cake! I just did not want to wreck anything!
Now, to see if the unit will play without having a tape player installed...I'll test that out.
06-02-2010, 01:59 PM
So, can you tell me if it worked OK without a tape mechanism installed?
My stereo is playing up, whirring and beeping with no sound, but I just want to listen to the radio.
Alternatively, does anyone have a working tape mechanism for sale?
Oh, and is it safe to assume the tape mechanism is the same for the two different Gathers units (the lesser and greater-powered versions)?
18-05-2010, 08:28 AM
I have a 40-watt original audio system in my Beat. I was only using the tape deck with an adaptor for my mp3 player, and up until today it was working fine. Now the deck tries to play forward, then reverses, and finally ejects the adaptor. Same thing happens with a regular tape cassette. Any suggestions as to what happened and how to fix it?
Another question - my clock and station settings disappear when the ignition is switched off. Does this mean the unit is not wired correctly, or is there an internal battery?
Thanks for any advice.:awwww:
18-05-2010, 07:43 PM
There should be a live supply at all times to retain settings so you probably have a wiring fault. The tape problem is likely to be a failed tape deck. These can be replaced.
19-05-2010, 02:00 AM
Thanks. I will check to see where the radio is powered from. The wiring diagram shows it going to the "accessory" terminal of the ig switch through a fuse. Now I am wondering if that would actually keep it live.
Other topic LH - I saw a post of yours about the 35 mph speed limit on Guernsey. It's only a little more than that here in Okinawa, and that only on the one (expensive) expressway. The Beat is great because it FEELS like going much faster than the clock shows.
19-05-2010, 03:08 AM
My tape unit does not work, or rather when I turn the car on, it just sits there trying to spit a tape out (the eject mechanism seems stuck or something)
No big deal, I don't use tapes anymore anyway (i'm going to hook up the cd changer).
SO, my plan was to just remove the tape unit and problem solved. Hopefully this will not cause any errors with the stereo??? (advice...?:help:)
I almost have it out, but i'm not to sure how to remove it. I've removed the 4 screws holding it down to the stereo, but I don't know how to get it off the board. There are 2 screws shown in the pic that I could probably remove, but how do I detach it from the stereo so I can take it out? Please see pics below for what I mean
I once upon a time found a thread/weblink that had a step-by-step on how to remove/replace the tape player. Does anyone have that link?
Well, I just removed the tape mechanism and the rest of the unit does not seem to work now. Did anyone ever try this and make it go?
20-05-2010, 01:04 AM
I don't have a diagram showing Beat wiring but a Honda Prelude manual for the same period shows a similar connector. This shows a white/yellow wire as permanently live (to power clock and memory) and yellow/red (connected to the accessory terminal) to power the main stereo functions.
20-05-2010, 03:56 AM
I don't have a diagram showing Beat wiring but a Honda Prelude manual for the same period shows a similar connector. This shows a white/yellow wire as permanently live (to power clock and memory) and yellow/red (connected to the accessory terminal) to power the main stereo functions.
Again thanks. Can you tell me the pin numbers for those two leads, because it looks like some wires got pulled out of the connector.
In fact, while I am in there I want to extend the cable and make life a bit easier down the road.
20-05-2010, 05:44 AM
Yes, it does, but that AVC thingy is a mystery. I just found this for the Prelude:,
and I have located a US source for the connectors to make an extension (Ebay)
I believe the AVC thing is an input for vehicle speed, as the radio has the ability to increase the volume the faster you go. And decrease the volume when slowing down. A nice feature. :) Auto Volume Control?
20-05-2010, 01:39 PM
That makes sense, and would be a nice feature if it works. I remember AVC (automatic volume control) from old radio days as something that compensated for AM stations fading in and out.
There is also a pin on the Gathers for "illumination" that cuts the display lighting when car lights are on. At least that worked on mine, in the brief time I had a functioning radio.....
20-05-2010, 09:53 PM
In fact, while I am in there I want to extend the cable and make life a bit easier down the road.
not too long, there's not a lot of room in there, i made that mistake
21-05-2010, 03:24 AM
not too long, there's not a lot of room in there, i made that mistake
No thanks to whoever installed my CD changer and left a python-sized coil of cable in there too.
25-05-2010, 09:22 AM
Thanks for all the help with schematics. I cleared out some rats-nest wiring and got the Gathers 40W working again, with presets but minus cassette. I have a plan for that though, which will leave me with an extra unit that I could be persuaded to sell.
Now - here's a simple question for everyone else who has spent quality time with their radios: how do you fix the scratches you left in the surrounding grey plastic pieces? It's the most delicate finish I've ever seen inside a car!
What with regular use, kids with school satchels, groceries, and the occasional sheet of plywood, I expect to produce quite a few more. So, is there some magic touchup liquid from Honda, or ?????
29-05-2010, 10:57 AM
What does the Gathers stereo button labeled "BS" do? (seriously.)
30-05-2010, 09:29 AM
Blank skip function on the tape. If there is more than something like 5 second silent section of tape it forwards to the start of the next piece of music
31-05-2010, 03:00 AM
So that means it would FF to the end of a tape after the last song..... Now I'm thinking that is why it went bananas with my cassette adaptor. It kept reversing and forwarding, eventually crashed and I couldn't eject the thing.
Has anyone else had any experience using a cassette adaptor with the Gathers? I sure don't want to wreck it again.
01-06-2010, 10:38 AM
Could someone please tell me how to get the whole Gathers unit out. One of my speakers isn't working and I need to check the connection. I've checked in the door and thats fine, so I want to check at the stereo end before replacing speakers. There are two unsightly 'dig' marks already at the side of the unit, so does that mean I just have to dig it out? I hope not!
01-06-2010, 12:32 PM
There is a SEARCH function, you will find the answer to many common questions. ;)
01-06-2010, 01:58 PM
If you're still stuck, PM me. I've just had mine in and out more times than I can bear to think about.
01-06-2010, 03:44 PM
Could someone please tell me how to get the whole Gathers unit out. One of my speakers isn't working and I need to check the connection. I've checked in the door and thats fine, so I want to check at the stereo end before replacing speakers. There are two unsightly 'dig' marks already at the side of the unit, so does that mean I just have to dig it out? I hope not!
Check the speaker balance before taking it all apart! I can't remember which buttons, but it sorted my radio out.
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