View Full Version : Factory MOMO wheel...

07-02-2009, 10:58 PM
Does anyone have a picture of what the factory momo steering wheel looks like? I know it was an option from Honda, but i've never actually seen what it looks like.
Pictures would be appreciated!

08-02-2009, 12:07 AM

09-02-2009, 10:32 AM
I like that. I want one.

10-02-2009, 01:35 AM
This is the one on my car...
The guy said it was a factory momo wheel...sounds like BS I guess.
Has anyone seen this one before?

10-02-2009, 07:26 AM
Don't worry about the wheel, get cleaning :eek:

10-02-2009, 03:15 PM
Don't worry about the wheel, get cleaning :eek:

Yes, i know;)
I just got the car, and it sat for 2 years in some guys garage. It was covered in 1 inch of drywall dust when I got it. I trailered it home, parked it, and have been waiting for time to clean it. I've been UBER busy at work and home lately! We have 2ft of snow, and will for at least another 2-3 months, so I wont be able to drive it for while anyway. I hope to get at'er this weekend...(cross fingers!)

Does the wheel at least look like a real momo wheel?

The wheel seems kinda small, thats why I was doubting if it was factory or not. I'm not overly tall (about 5'10"ish) and have a hard time seeing the top of the tach because the wheel is so small. I might have to see if I can find another one.

What are the factory momo wheel's worth? Do they come up for sale often?
