View Full Version : Beat values

04-02-2009, 07:39 PM
Hi folks

I recently watched with interest as a Beat known to this forum was auctioned on ebay. From the photos it didn't look to be a really good example, and it's also not exactly the right time of year to be selling a convertible. The car in question went for a little over a grand, so i've been wondering how hard the recession has hit the values of our cars. When i was looking into buying one about 3 years ago, a rough one was £2k, a tidy one £3k(which i got) and a really good one £4k. I'm guessing at least £1000 has been wiped off those figures today, maybe more. I'm not planning to sell mine, i'm just curious. What does anyone else think?



04-02-2009, 08:28 PM
The white one on ebay just went for £810.50

04-02-2009, 10:35 PM
The white one on ebay just went for £810.50

Plus a compulsory £450 being the alleged value of the number plate!!!

04-02-2009, 11:07 PM
Personally, the last two on fleabay were 'rough' examples. The red one had very poor, flat paint work, with a very very poor interior. The white one wasn't much better, being sold from a gentleman that had passed away some months ago. The family really didn't have a clue what was being sold. :awwww:

05-02-2009, 07:57 AM
Plus a compulsory £450 being the alleged value of the number plate!!!

I know I agreed to buy it, about a week ago now, and she wouldn't have the money off me. Then she stopped communicating with me and changed the eBay ad to say you must buy the plate.

I know why, because it can take up to 8weeks to get the number plate on retention and it costs about £115 to do it, and you're not allowed to sell the car until a new number has been assigned (if the old one is still available that'll be reassigned).

I ended up very upset about it by the end, being promised she'd hold it for me, then just ignored me when the price started to go up on eBay. Wish I'd just clicked the buy it now button anyway (only didn't because she said she wanted cash on collection, but had ticked the immediate payment required button), but then I believe it's probably a blessing in disguise.

05-02-2009, 08:04 AM
Personally, the last two on fleabay were 'rough' examples. The red one had very poor, flat paint work, with a very very poor interior. The white one wasn't much better, being sold from a gentleman that had passed away some months ago. The family really didn't have a clue what was being sold. :awwww:

It's been a while now since I've seen a nice example for sale. I think when we do there will be quite a jump from the prices we are seeing at the minute. I wish I had waited for a nice one instead of jumping in feet first into ours. The total spend on ours is over £6000 now, and it still isn't finished. Best advice for anyone looking for a Beat is be patient and buy a good one, even if it means spending a bit more than you wanted to. You will save in the long run.

05-02-2009, 05:12 PM
I know why, because it can take up to 8weeks to get the number plate on retention and it costs about £115 to do it, and you're not allowed to sell the car until a new number has been assigned (if the old one is still available that'll be reassigned)

This is true if done by post. I went to my local DVLA office and all the paperwork except the V5 was done 'there and then'. The V5 arrived from Swansea in 5 days - Great service!

05-02-2009, 08:57 PM
If I understand the DVLA website correctly the car has to have been taxed within the last year for the number to be transferrable. As this one was last MOTd in 2005 I assume it would need to be taxed and tested before the plate could be changed. Thank goodness its easier in Guernsey!

06-02-2009, 10:44 AM
That is also true, I forgot about that bit.