View Full Version : Beat Insurance

Beat Bug
04-02-2009, 01:13 PM
My Beat insurance has just come up for renewal. I'm happy with the £135 with £100 excess, fully comp quote. But just as a matter of interest, what do others pay for theirs?

04-02-2009, 01:22 PM
My Beat insurance has just come up for renewal. I'm happy with the £135 with £100 excess, fully comp quote. But just as a matter of interest, what do others pay for theirs?

Lots more than that! But then there are far to many variables to just compare like for like prices.

04-02-2009, 02:17 PM
yup - lot more than that here too! think we pay about 480 with adrian flux with all the mods and rollcage in. its comin round again in april so that might change soon. thats with me being 29 this year and 3 years ncb...

Beat Bug
04-02-2009, 06:08 PM
OK, I realise there are lots of variables to consider. I'm retired, and live in the north of Scotland, so both are a plus in my favour. I went through 1st quote last year, and this year's premium is lower! Looks like I'll stay where I am! Over the years I found Adrian Flux and Footman James considerably more costly than others. With my previous Beats, Norwich Union and Tesco were the only places I could get insurance!

04-02-2009, 06:46 PM
Insurance for the beats all depends on your circumstances and location. If you have modifications, that builds up the cost. My insurance has grown 20% every year for the past three years, but is still cheap at under £150 fully comp. Must be my wrinkly age, and full NCB.

04-02-2009, 07:15 PM
Mine's about £250 fully comp, from Adrian Flux. Parked on the drive, crap postcode, 35 year old male driver with no endorsements and 2 years NCB. Interesting you mention Tesco insurance, cos my breadvan is insured with them and it's cheap as chips. However, when i phoned up to get a quote for the Beat, the best they could do was about £450. Given that other Beat owners on here are insured by Tesco, i was quite surprised.


04-02-2009, 11:13 PM
I'm retired, and live in the north of Scotland

So what you save in insurance you can put towards a hard top, cos you'll never get the roof down !!!!!! :D:D:D

05-02-2009, 08:08 AM
It might be a good idea to post insurance companies who do insurance for the Beat with a guaranteed value. I don't know of any but could do with insuring ours with one. Perhaps when we have identified who does we could negotiate a club discount.

05-02-2009, 05:15 PM
It might be a good idea to post insurance companies who do insurance for the Beat with a guaranteed value. I don't know of any but could do with insuring ours with one. Perhaps when we have identified who does we could negotiate a club discount.

Nice idea, but there just aren't enough Beats around to attract an insurance company into offering a Club Discount.