View Full Version : Honda to Release NEW Beat

27-01-2009, 02:12 AM
Its in the wind from reliable sources that Honda plans to launch a New Beat soonish, which means within the next 2yrs, anyone heard anymore whispers. The year I left Honda I had a senior member say the same thing, it seems its been in development all that time.....hmmmm


27-01-2009, 11:26 AM
There was this:

conversation about a new beat, same thing? :confused:

27-01-2009, 01:05 PM
current financial climate?
too much of a niche car to sell in big nos & make money on it?

27-01-2009, 08:58 PM
Too true Dave, unfortunately. Car manufacturers are either postponing or abandoning forthcoming models, to concentrate on the the B/C segment cars that really make them money. It's the niche models that are the hardest hit. However, since they all operate years in advance as the lead times for a modern high volume car is so long, there'll be certain areas of any given car company with one eye on the mid term future, where the current recession (hopefully) will be long gone.

This is where the possibility of a new Beat may be realistic. Honda have confirmed the CRZ coupe concept will go into production with a hybrid drivetrain to further expand their intended complete range of hybrids, and it's entirely feasable a small and lightweight two seat rag top could be spun from the same platform. Due to economies of scale i find it highly unlikely that this car will be a Kei car as such; Honda would need to sell it in as many markets as possible. And it's probably not gonna be mid-engined either. Or rear wheel drive. However, MX-5 excepted, there's somewhat of a dearth of affordable roadsters out there, so i for one would welcome such a car. Time will tell....


06-02-2009, 09:30 PM
Hi Oz,

I think this is what you had heard about:

... ah ok I am unable to upload the photo as I get a message that the file is "not a valid image file." its a 190KB JPG... any ideas?

Here is the text from the site i found (I can't post the link as it seems to be offline at the moment)

" Following the suspension of the Honda NSX, after developing a new generation, S2000 follow-up cars along with the development might also be aborted. Unfavorable economic conditions, the auto market have gradually shifted the focus of the demand for energy-saving micro-fun car, the Toyota IQ, Fiat 500 and so is the successful example. In view of this, Honda plans to classic open-top car BEAT new models. According to the latest one, “ベスカート” magazine reported that a new generation BEAT or abandon the traditional MR-driven layout, replaced by the use of FR-driven form; powered in part or entirely new line will carry triplex naturally aspirated engine and equipped with electric folding soft canopy. The new body BEAT lasted classic compact design, pre-face style will work with the upcoming CR-Z sports car similar to the rear of the design will be retained classic rounded-style brake light design. Honda most likely will take the lead in this year’s Tokyo Motor Show BEAT concept models on display, of course, Honda will ultimately lead to the implementation of new production BEAT, need to look at the extent of the market response is overwhelming."

07-02-2009, 12:21 PM
at least Honda are one of the companies that look like they're still designing/developing, brother knows someone at Jaguar, guess which division has had drastic cuts?

07-02-2009, 11:51 PM
at least Honda are one of the companies that look like they're still designing/developing, brother knows someone at Jaguar, guess which division has had drastic cuts?

The Ford division ;)

09-02-2009, 07:21 PM
wot be this??? :confused:


(image uploader doesnt seem to be working again??)

11-02-2009, 06:59 PM
Looks to me like a lightly Photoshopped pic of the OSM, or Original Study Model. It was first shown at the London Motor Show about six months ago. Apart from it looking a bit like one of those 'orrible Peugeot 307 CC's i quite like it. But not as much as i like the CR-Z.
