View Full Version : Can I remove this?

30-12-2008, 07:25 PM
I've just finished stripping the last bits off our car ready for its trip to the bodyshop.
One thing I've always wanted to get rid off is the ugly exhaust heat shield at the back - can I take this off? It would be much nicer to see the shiny exhaust through the bigger holes/vents in the new bumper rather than the ugly bit of corrugated shed.

I'm switching to a new fibreglass bumper rather than the stock plastic one if that makes a difference?

I realise that the bumper attaches at 2 points to the bottom of the heatshield but I'm not sure if that offers any real support anyway given that the heat shield is very thin or if its just to stop them vibrating against each other?
any thoughts much appreciated!

cant seem to upload pics to the forum at the moment? - heres a pic of the butt-ugly thing in question:

30-12-2008, 07:53 PM
Mmmm mugen :cool:

I suppose it depends what effect the heat from the exhaust has on a fibre glass bumper. you may only find out if you leave the heat sheild off.

Dont think the heat shield is any support for the bumper, probably the other way round.

30-12-2008, 08:59 PM
cheers steve - ta for the input. glad you like the exhaust :)
unless anyone can advise for or against it, i think i'll give it a go and see how it gets on. I'll keep a close eye on it though.

30-12-2008, 09:03 PM
[QUOTE=TADO;15660]cheers steve - ta for the input. glad you like the exhaust :)

:D I had a Mugen on my beat when I had it.

30-12-2008, 09:03 PM
If I remember right it goes under the boot?

As long as you don't put your milk in the boot you should be ok hehe

I wouldn't under estimate the exhaust though, when my tail pipe fell off it melted my mud flaps much to my suprise, as it wasn't anywhere near hehe

30-12-2008, 10:12 PM
i've just been looking through some pics and a lot of the japanese fellas dont have em... so hopefully it'll be ok... probably famous last words! :rolleyes:

30-12-2008, 10:32 PM
It may not affect the fibreglass bumper Mike, but I think it may affect the painted finish on the bumper. Look for signs of paint dulling which would indicate a hot spot and possible trouble. A serious hot spot will be easy to see, cos your nice new paint will resemble a dried prune ;)

Something you could try, that I have done on one of my fibreglass bodied heli's, is to apply silver tape to the inside of the bumper, the super sticky stuff used for shop air con systems is ideal.

30-12-2008, 10:53 PM
Got to say I love the thread title, I was all like "ooohhh I wonder what he's taking off/broken?" hehe

30-12-2008, 11:05 PM
good idea about the heat resistant silver stuff - ill have a look online and see what i can find.

hehe - i'm glad i didnt have to start a thread called 'Is this normal?' :p
i'm sure my next thread will be along the lines of
'ive rebuilt the car and ive got this left over... what is it please?'

30-12-2008, 11:12 PM
Oh don't! Last time we rebuilt it we had a massive, huwge golden shiny bolt left over... it was clearly important... we never did find where it came from :suicide:

30-12-2008, 11:32 PM
For Sale.....Honda Beat Engine, can't remember where it goes, left over from rebuild :D

Sorry Mike, couldn't resist ;)

30-12-2008, 11:34 PM
good idea about the heat resistant silver stuff - ill have a look online and see what i can find

If you can't find anything, I'm sure I've a roll I 'borrowed' from a job recently that you're welcome to

31-12-2008, 10:57 AM
smashin. ta very much! i'll have a hunt around, sure i can scram something from somewhere tho! :D
enough of these jokes as well. ive got everything in seperate plastic bags/boxes and all the connections are labeled etc etc... i'm sure everything will go back together like clockwork....! :suicide: