View Full Version : Radio questions
Paul w
31-08-2002, 04:15 PM
Couple of quickies.....
Wheres the cheapest place for frequency expanders? (so i dont have to listen to any more shipping forcasts!)
Which Wire at the back of the radio should be a permanent live? My radio forgets its presets, balance, bass settings etc when immobilised (i think they screwed the wiring!) Any Ideas Phil??
I'm thinking of moving the Clarion autochanger into the car, behind the passenger seat. Any comments (it will fit, easily!)
31-08-2002, 04:41 PM
Hi Paul,
Various places sell the band expanders and normally they are only £10-15 delivered... bit expensive thought for what you seem to get though, mine looks worth about 50p.....
I'm not sure about the permenent live though, If I get a chance, I'll have a look later for you.
Moving the changer inside isn't a bad idea but you will probably find a bit more room behind the drivers seat since the document box won't be in the way.
Hope this helps
Here you go Paul
The wire you want is Blue & White
Hope this helps
Paul w
01-09-2002, 12:22 PM
cheers mate!
I'll have a root around now with a volt meter and some scotchlocks, the car sparkys friend!
PS, ive added some smilies!
01-09-2002, 07:07 PM
No Problem Paul,
Let us all know when you blow it up... :help: ;)
02-09-2002, 10:12 AM
Nice to see you have a Beat again Paul, I think fitting the CD changer in car may be difficult as it will not go under or behind the seats (unless you want to sacrifice some leg room. As for the perminant live I have to make up a loom this week so I can confirm later and Steve M sent me a general wiring diagram but I have to check it out first!!!!
02-09-2002, 07:45 PM
I thought it best to put the CD changer in the boot, away from prying eyes then.
Aint much room for anything else in there anyway.
I fixed mine to a piece of MDF which is offset so that the only holes to drill in the car are through the panel which removes for air filter access. I made a small cover to go round the changer and enclose a pic of the finished result.
Just my ideas on the subject
Steve M
29-05-2003, 08:40 PM
From an earlier post . . .
"Which Wire at the back of the radio should be a permanent live? My radio forgets its presets, balance, bass settings etc when immobilised"
. . . mines the same, the answer was . . .
"The wire you want is Blue & White"
The only Blue & White I have coming from the main connector goes to an 8 way connector which is not connected to anything. Is the this the wire I need to make live?
Cheers, John.
29-05-2003, 11:11 PM
That should read white with a blue stripe. that is the permanat feed to the radio.
Radio connector terminals (
This may help Pin J is the permanant feed.
30-05-2003, 01:21 AM
hate to disagree with Beatproducts, but the CD changer as Steve M says is able to be fitted behind the driver's seat (mine is now), no loss of leg room and VERY out of sight! In fact I didn't even know it could/was be fitted in the boot until I saw a friends attached there, at which point I thought that was a waste of precious boot space, I'd rather have a six pack there!
30-05-2003, 02:09 AM
Hi Paul
My beat radio was unable to keep its presets also, i found that the ECU backup-7.5 amp fuse (located in the boot) was blown once i replaced it all was fixed. As far as i know if this fuse blows, the interior drivers side light wont work either.
Might sort the problem-might not but its worth a look
Paul w
30-05-2003, 02:37 AM
Hmmmm! sounds like the problem i had!
I'll mail Matt to let him know what to check!
30-05-2003, 03:16 AM
John D nailed it! the preset loss is from a blown 7.5A fuse in the rear fuse box, It had me running around all over the place when I blew one installing the keyless remote starter.... Just thank god its a 2p repair!
30-05-2003, 04:51 PM
Sorted the radio memory problem, the wire had broken off at the connector. BTW I'm having great difficulty getting the radio back in due to the mound of cables behind it - any suggestions?
30-05-2003, 08:09 PM
Hi John,
Unfortunately it is mainly a case of perseverence (sp??)
It normally ends up that you get 95% of the radio in and then it comes to a halt....
Access to the cables can sometimes be done via the passenger footwellas it is normally just fowling the bottom runner slightly..
Hope this helps
30-05-2003, 08:21 PM
you will find if you cut half of your hand away you can get it in behind the radio.
Well once you have done it once your hand will be cut to threads anyway, so it makes sense really to trim it first.
03-06-2003, 12:42 AM
Having got the power connected to maintain the memory, how do I turn the radio off? It has a button marked power but appears to do nothing! Am I missing something?
03-06-2003, 07:16 AM
Hi John,
It sounds like the button has broken...
If you 'carefully' pop the button off, it sounds like the peg on the back has broken off.
Once off you should be able to use something like a cocktail stick etc. to press the switch through the hole that the peg goes through.
Hopefully this is all it is unless someone has had the unit apart as some (but not all I think) of the switches that the buttons push should have spacers on them so that the button can actually reach them...
All the spacers are is a very small square of white plastic that is stuck to the front of the switch on the pcb.
When I had my radio apart, someone had been there before me and trashed the pcb so I had to bridge a few gaps in the tracks and one of the buttons still wouldn't work for me either.... turns out that I left one of the spacers off.
Once fitted, it worked fine.
Hope this helps
Paul w
04-06-2003, 01:13 PM
I think i may have a power button spare, i'll have to look when i get home! (2 weeks time i'm afraid!)
Let me know if you need it
05-06-2003, 12:34 AM
Having got the button off as suggested the switch operates OK with a wire down the hole. Now that I know how it works, I find if I push the switch really hard it will switch off/on. So I guess I will just live with it as it is.
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