View Full Version : Sorry, but I'm shocked

17-12-2008, 10:38 PM
Maybe it's just me, but just lately there seems to be so many people posting what seems to me as 'the obvious'

'My car won't work, this is loose, that's dirty'

Erm, it's called servicing. Any car is a peice of precision engineering that needs regularly looking after, servicing, basic maintainance, what ever you want to call it. I can never understand people that spend thousands of pounds buying a car, then moan at servicing it! :eek:

17-12-2008, 11:05 PM
hey, IM ONE of those people you mentioned above! :)

17-12-2008, 11:50 PM
Well to be fair even though I'm a girl, I just got a double distinction at Tamworth college for a level 3 BTEC national in motor vehicle technology and I'm studying a degree in motorsport at the university of Derby... however when it comes to the beat, being so rare and unusual I always like to make sure what I'm doing is the right thing.

On my Fiesta I didn't much care, if I broke it I'd just go get another one for a £1, but the Beat is so much more different.

I don't ask many questions now as I've stripped mine down so many times I pretty much know what should be and what shouldn't, but when I first bought it I learnt a hell of a lot from this forum. Asking people what to do.

I suspect a lot of people like me just like some reassurance before they break it terrible. I don't think it's moaning, just requesting a little confirmation of little details and ideas.

Anyway Mylee, have you put a splitter on your beat? looks different to when I saw it.

18-12-2008, 01:46 PM
Em, I understand totally what you are saying and if there is some weird beat job that I need done this is always my first port of call.
But simple stuff like oil, filters and water are the basics of any car servicing, not just a beat.
What prompted me to raise the subject wasn't just the recent posts we've had on this forum, but the same sort of questions are being raised on the type r forum as well!

Yep, the car is slightly different to when you saw it. It has front and rear lower spoilers and your exhaust has had a couple of new tail pipes fitted.

19-12-2008, 09:29 AM
oohhh pictures?

19-12-2008, 12:38 PM
Here you go, nothing to ott. Just contemplating some sort of side skirt now to finish it off.

19-12-2008, 02:21 PM
THe back bumper looks sweet :)

I like it

20-12-2008, 10:54 AM
Looking good mylee, is that still my exhaust underneath then? or another one? The wheels look great, are they the ones from mine refurbed?

20-12-2008, 12:51 PM
Yep, that's your exhaust. But because of the lower spoiler I had the tail pipes cut off, extended by 6 inches and then bought two Honda exhaust tips. So it looks original, but there are two pipes :cool: And as you know sounds nothing like original :D
The wheels are my originals refurbed. Lee W has your wheels now

20-12-2008, 08:59 PM
Ah cool!

It's hard to keep track of things hehe. Looks good anyway :)

29-12-2008, 04:20 PM
I'm not sure where your going with this thread. These cars are nearly 18 years old, are you telling me that everything can be fixed with a service?

You must be mad in the head. What does e.g. puel pump or ECU cappacitors, relays got to do with services.

29-12-2008, 07:26 PM
Far from mad in the head, but thanks for your concern. And I can't remember where I posted that everything can be fixed by a service.
If you read the whole posting I think I specifically said, oil filter and water are the basics of ANY car servicing not just a Beat - 18 years old or not.

29-12-2008, 08:36 PM
Far from mad in the head, but thanks for your concern. And I can't remember where I posted that everything can be fixed by a service.
If you read the whole posting I think I specifically said, oil filter and water are the basics of ANY car servicing not just a Beat - 18 years old or not.

You didn't say that but you did suggest that the reason these people have these problems is because of lack of service.

I'm sure one day you will have a problem that will need help and that day I will send you a link from your thread.

If you don't like these threads just ignore them, don't let them upset you.

I've 3 of these little cars and I've owned them for a long time and when there was ever a problem it was not due to a lack of service.

If you have no clue about cars and you won't this thing serviced its not that easy to find anyone that will know what they are doing.

They are not moaning they are looking for help. Have you always known the answer to everything?

29-12-2008, 09:54 PM
But simple stuff like oil, filters and water are the basics of any car servicing, not just a beat.

Hmmmm, guess I did say that :rolleyes:

I have had Beat problems and this site has been invaluable. I think you are really missing the point of the initial thread.
If someone says....... "my oil is dirty should I change it?" or "my cars air filter is very black what should I do?" YOU SERVICE YOUR CAR.

If you don't like my threads just ignore them, don't let them upset you.

29-12-2008, 10:17 PM
[QUOTE=Mylee;15649]Hmmmm, guess I did say that :rolleyes:

I have had Beat problems and this site has been invaluable. I think you are really missing the point of the initial thread.
If someone says....... "my oil is dirty should I change it?" or "my cars air filter is very black what should I do?" YOU SERVICE YOUR CAR.

If you don't like my threads just ignore them, don't let them upset you.[/QUOTE

You wanted an opinion, so you got one. This thread dosen't upset me at all, you put it out there for discussion so we are discussing your point.

It just seems to me that the Help threads seem silly to you as answers are easy enough, but you don't realise that to some people its not.

I'll admit seven years ago when I got my first beat I asked stupid questions, or so they seemed and the guys on this site answered them and I learned.

Seven years on I've rebuild car engines,motorbike engines gearboxes, lawnmowers etc etc.... I suppose my point is it might be a start for someone or not. "He who has not sinned cast the first stone"