View Full Version : stereo trouble

17-11-2008, 09:03 PM
Hi folks

I think my Beats stereo is up the fritz. It works on random occasions, but mostly the display lights up, with all 6 cd lights(on the right of the display)flashing, even though there are only 3 cds in the changer currently. I can adjust the bass and treble too, but it's all a bit academic cos no sound comes out. No other controls do anything. I've checked the autochanger connections and they're ok. I no longer bother with the radio and tape player, but couldn't select them even if i wanted to. I'm hoping it's got some damp in it and will dry out, but i suspect it's knackered. Anyone had any similar experiences?


02-12-2008, 09:38 AM

I just got my Beat yesterday and the tape player is playing up. When I try to insert a cassette, it displays error code 8.

but my does light up pretty good, just doesnt work!

02-12-2008, 08:45 PM
Update time: it's properly knackered now. No lights, no sound, no nothing. Am now wondering how to get hold of a replacement.


03-12-2008, 10:48 AM
Original ones, best bet, the japhoo auctions.

03-12-2008, 05:43 PM
i've got a spare one courtesy of paulw, got mine fixed, well apart from sub speaker.
'twas FOC so if you can hang on a bit ( i'm away from 22nd dec till 4th jan ) can try to sort out delivery / pickup etc early next year? don't know what works / doesn't but you may be able to make a decent one?