View Full Version : It's home!

23-10-2008, 06:30 PM
Hi folks. After a few false starts, mostly concerning lack of correct documentation leading to lack of tax disc, i finally rescued my Beat last night. It was a bit of a state, but started straight away with a jump start. All was fine on the 60 mile journey home with everything freeing up the further i drove. I find when it hasn't been used for a while the gearbox stiffens up somewhat and the brakes feel rather wooden. I got up early this morning to give it a quick wash before i drove it to work. I'm currently working in a local tyre shop and had ordered a full set of Dunlops a few weeks ago. I got the battery on charge all day, and got the tyres done this afternoon. In the two and a half years i've had my Beat, today is the first time it's had the correct size tyres on! It's such a short drive home(about 2 miles), it's too early to say what they're like, but i'm just happy to get my car back relatively unscathed.

Regards to all


23-10-2008, 07:47 PM
Congratulations :D

23-10-2008, 09:30 PM
Great news, just in time for Summer. ;)

24-10-2008, 02:11 AM
:D welcome home