View Full Version : Newbie

15-10-2008, 10:21 PM
Hello all. New member here, but I'm beatless at the moment. Present car is a mk1 auto mx5 which is up for sale. If I manage to sell it in time, I'll be making Ian an offer on his beauty, if not I notice they crop up on here now and then, or a fresh import may be a possibility. Anyway, I'll keep lurking in the background for now.

16-10-2008, 07:50 AM
Hello and welcome. You won't regret buying a Beat. On the right kind of road it's one of the greatest driving machines there is. And despite its lowly power output, a Beat will make you grin, smile and laugh out loud more than cars with 3 or 4 times the horsepower.


16-10-2008, 08:14 AM
hi barney
welcome to the forum - hope you managed to get our mitts on a beat soon :D
like marge says, not many cars come even close to the smiles per mile!

16-10-2008, 09:01 AM
Welcome aboard and good luck finding the right Beat. There's lots of regular posters on here with a wealth of knowledge, so don't be afraid to ask for advice.