View Full Version : it's over....

16-09-2008, 11:07 AM
I'm feeling a little gutted today... pick my car up, and paid the bill....:( and got in and drove off... and the feeling had gone :( ...

my love affair with the little car has ended...

I bought her 13 years ago, she had 3,300 km on the clock and was in mint condition.( having been owned as a toy by the MD of Honda in Grimsby....)
she was my second beat, the first being a Red one, that was a write off by some idiot driver, who nearly took me in the process....

My new Yellow beat had only the best of everything...
RS oil @ £40 for 4 litres, slick 50, i lavished
Lucus oil stabilisers on her... auto glym by the bucket load...

If she wanted anything she got it....

And this is how she paid me back....

like all love affairs, she went off the rails...
and let me down....( she might have got miffed as i was having a fling with a smart for a couple of years, and left her at home)

i think its time i found another true love...

The Nissan Figaro has always caught my eye....

maybe its time to trade her in....:confused:

01-10-2008, 07:38 PM
So sad. I've spent most of this year Beatless, but not for much longer. Hope i don't feel the same way as you when i get mine back. Good luck with the sale/divorce/parting of the ways.
