View Full Version : NEW BEAT Owner in India

14-07-2008, 06:50 AM
Hi Everyone. My name is A.Selvaraj and I picked up my beat three weeks ago. It is a 92 model and yellow. I will post a pic soon. :) :)

14-07-2008, 11:27 AM
Welcome to the club.

You know I saw a white honda beat on a music video playing on an indy channel. You'll have to excuse my ignorance to which, as it was playing in a local chip shop in Birmingham at the time.

It was white, and was zooming around what I assume was the Indian Himalayas.

14-07-2008, 01:07 PM
Hi Whiteleopard
That is nice to know that i have company. The honda dealer here said this was the first time he is seeing one in person. He refused to service it as he was scared he would mess it up. So i got another mechanic called GAT to service it. It is running good now. I shall post some pics today.