View Full Version : Help me decide.................

09-07-2008, 01:55 PM
.....what to do with the Beat I have just bought. It's snapped it's cambelt so really needs the engine out, rebuild the head and overhaul the bottom end. It would also need a new roof. Other than that it is in pretty good order and very solid. Only very slight surface rust in places and no filler in any of the panels. So with a lot of time and some expence it would make a nice car and to be honest I would have to sell it on when it's finished. I did toy with the idea of being a 2 Beat family, but can't really justify that. The other option is to break it. There are I'm sure a few Beats that would benefit from having the quality parts that this Beat has. I know there are a few bits and bobs that our Beat could have. So, do I repair it? Or do I break it so other Beats can live on? I really can't decide at the minute.

09-07-2008, 02:47 PM
hmm, if you would have to sell it at the end, would you be able to get back what you would spend on getting it road-worthy? its a bit of a sad fact that they dont seem to be going for very much at the moment? :(

09-07-2008, 03:16 PM
I think through my personal experience, I would rebuild the engine only and try sell it on.

You won't make as much as you'd think breaking it, then you have things like the shell to sort out disposal of.

I'd take the head off the engine, access the degree of damage then decide from there. Let us know what state the engine is in.

09-07-2008, 04:05 PM
I know what you mean about current prices. It wouldn't be worth while fixing it up if I couldn't get back anywhere near £2k. There is one on the trader for £3500 and has been for sale for quite some time now. With regard to breaking it, I would strip it down and keep the shell and subframes. I would probably keep the engine and gearbox also. I'm sure I could do that and make a small profit. I could also use some bits for ours. At least this way it didn't go to the crusher with lots of useful bits still attached. I think I'm leaning towards breaking it. Unless someone said they'd defo buy it if I reapir it. :awwww:

09-07-2008, 05:25 PM
is it a red one beardo? i might be interested in some bits if it is...

09-07-2008, 05:48 PM
is it a red one beardo? i might be interested in some bits if it is...

Yep, it's the red one. PM me your requirements.

09-07-2008, 06:41 PM

I broke an engineless Beat earlier this year, and unless it has 'goodies' that people want I found that the parts were pretty hard to shift.
I did have a forum member that wanted 90% of the car, only to then let me down a month later, the day before he was due to collect everything, so you can imagine I was rather :explode:

Most of the parts I sold were to people that had accident damage, the bonnet, front and rear lights and the boot lid I could've sold 100 times over but needless to say, I've now got a garage load of bits which are gathering dust and generally just in the way. I was lucky enough to sell the shell to another forum member.

09-07-2008, 07:08 PM
Sounds like breaking it could be hard work. There's a couple of Beats on Ebay at he minute, one very similar to this one. Bidding is nearing £2500 so may be worth the expense. I'll not make my mind up until I have priced a new hood and the parts for the engine.

10-07-2008, 04:57 PM
I had the same problem as Mylee, which is why I said what I said.

I still have hubs, and brakes, suspension, radiators, fuel tanks, the spare wheel and tray and loads and loads of other bits I can't get rid of that will go to the tip. And that's not including all the parts I am keeping such as the dash, the interior, etc

10-07-2008, 05:42 PM
Please, don`t break it! If you can`t use it in one pice, sell it as it is and this Beat get a new and hopefully better life. These cars are so rare and make so much fun, please don`t destroy it.

10-07-2008, 08:04 PM
I'm struggling with this now. I have messages asking for parts, people asking to buy the whole thing and people just pleading with me not to break it. To be honest there are parts that our Beat could do with. If it is to be repaired I will do that myself, so no more messages asking to buy it off me as is please. I need to know if there is a demand for the parts before I go down that route, so I need to start another thread to gauge interest. Or I could just remove the parts we need, make a note of them and while I repair the car source the parts I've robbed from others. Sounds like the best plan at the minute. If I was to break it I would keep the engine and gearbox and repair the engine. I would also keep the chassis and subframes and store them.

11-07-2008, 09:48 AM
I am tempted to break mine, with the Backyard Special bits on there it must be worth more in parts.

11-07-2008, 10:37 AM
Hi ya i rebuilt a snapped cambelt engine on a beat for a friend about a year ago all the bits were available from honda(belt,valves and gasket set) but as far as i remember were £700ish so not cheep but in the end still worth doing!!

14-07-2008, 04:01 PM
Gonna fix her up. I'm sure she'll make a nice one. No mods though, totally standard this one.