View Full Version : Eurodisney classic car show 5/6/7&8th June

02-06-2008, 06:24 PM
On Thursday 5th June 2008 i shall be driving my red Beat to Disneyland Paris along with a freind in his Opel GT (1968) spending four days at a classic car show in the Disney park.My family are travelling on Eurostar straight to the park entrance and i will be meeting them there at about 1600hrs Thursday.
Spending 3 days and 4 nights at Disney.
It was organised as a package thru a travel company (link below).
Are you going to this in your Beat?and if you are drop me a message and join in the convoy.
I will be taking camcorder and hope to bring back some images of my Beat there.Should be a real giggle.:)

04-06-2008, 06:38 AM
Here are the details of the travel package


06-06-2008, 08:08 AM
have a safe trip lee! looks a lot of fun. be sure to take some pics!

26-06-2008, 08:42 PM
What a fantastic time away incorporating a UK classic car scene actually at Disneyland resort along with passes into all of the Disney land parks over a four day period.The driving both there and back was really easy even without a co-driver and as for the roads out there, they were sublime.If i get the chance next year i would definatley go again.
Here is a pic of my Beat along with a mates Opel GT 1969 at a chateau stop on the way back thru France.

And if you were to buy classic car weekly (newspaper) this week (26th June)
lo and behold there is a picture of my Beat and me at the show.:D

26-06-2008, 09:33 PM
Very cool :cool:

26-06-2008, 09:47 PM
brilliant pic lee - glad you had a top time! i'll keep my eyes peeled for the paper...