View Full Version : M.t.b! 2008...

20-05-2008, 07:46 AM
hi all
as some of you know we've been in japan for the past 2 weeks and were extremely lucky to be able to attend the Meet The Beat event at the Twin Ring Motegi. The venue is pretty incredible, and the event itself was brilliant - over 400 beats in all shapes and sizes attended, all the usual tuning companies, the event organisers were fantastic and so hospitable... and i some how ended up giving a quickly bodged together presentation on the UK club in the honda collection hall to a lot of people! :help:
anyways, we've both been up since 5am with jetlag, so hopefully i'll be able to post up a full report soon - here's a teaser for now tho!
mike-san and katie-san

20-05-2008, 07:58 AM
Welcome back, looking forward to more piccies.

20-05-2008, 10:14 AM
Come on Mike, jet lag is for whimps - WE need pictures and all the info :D

Glad you had a great time! :)

20-05-2008, 02:36 PM
Cant wait to get the pics too!!



20-05-2008, 06:35 PM
hey guys!
sorry for the delay - looks like the pics might have to wait a day or two :awwww: - theres about 400 to wade through and edit!
we're off to NYC at 5am tomorrow so we've had to spend the day washing clothes and repacking instead! sorry!! i'll get on the case asap i promise! :suicide:

20-05-2008, 10:23 PM
hey guys!
sorry for the delay - looks like the pics might have to wait a day or two - theres about 400 to wade through and edit!
we're off to NYC at 5am tomorrow so we've had to spend the day washing clothes and repacking instead! sorry!! i'll get on the case asap i promise! :suicide:

WOW, how the otherside live ;) Mr Jetset!

Wish you'd said your were off to NYC, got a guy owing me some model helicopter parts - you could've popped along and said hi from Mylee, now where the $%@* are my parts I ordered 18 months ago! :explode:

21-05-2008, 08:29 PM
WOW, how the otherside live ;) Mr Jetset!

hahaha! - i wish!! japan was our first holiday for 6 years and the US is for work stuff :rolleyes: heheheh...

28-05-2008, 05:38 PM
finally got round to sorting this lot out! sorry for the delay, i wanted to try and do it 'proper' tho. hope you guys enjoy the pics!
here's the link:

www.tado.co.uk/beat-report/ (http://www.tado.co.uk/beat-report/)

I was actually asked to do a presentation in the Honda Collection hall about the UK Club, it was a bit last minute so i grabbed a load of pics from the site and emily's kei's in the park site - i hope you guys dont mind! I think I used pics of just about everyones cars - bumble beat had a terrific response and they loved marcair's and beardo's photos! :D

anyways - enjoy the pics, apologies for any spelling mistakes and broken links in there - we're both very jetlagged at the mo :P

PS - forgot to mention! emily - we met a friend of yours! Tetsuya Unami - he said to say hello! :D

28-05-2008, 06:15 PM
Nice Pics Tado we ought to get some badges or stickers.

28-05-2008, 08:45 PM
Some lucky people get to go lol

Must have been like a kid in a sweet shop :-)

28-05-2008, 09:04 PM
Super pictures Tado.

28-05-2008, 10:17 PM
Fantastic Mike! Now are you gonna make us all jelous with all the goodies you managed to carry home :D

28-05-2008, 10:27 PM
hey all!
glad you enjoyed the pics. if you click the link now, there should be a link in the text to our pics of the Honda Collection Hall too. We also went to Red Megaphone (http://www.red-megaphone.com/) (a Hakosuka skyline / z-car restoration place) - i'll get them posted on my blog asap.
We didnt actually get THAT much stuff from MTB - mostly stickers, wotsits and little bits - i really liked the look of the new cozylights dash pods tho...

i actually have some u-ukhbc stickers left over that i made as gifts for MTB people - theyre cut vinyl ones so i'll work out where theyve gone and post up a thread if people would like em...

28-05-2008, 10:30 PM
I'll have a sticker please Mike.

29-05-2008, 06:30 PM
Put me down for one please...:)

29-05-2008, 10:41 PM
Fantastic pictures, very jealous...

Ha ha, saw the picture of my beat's new engine ha ha

29-05-2008, 10:53 PM
How low is this Beat :eek: stunning.

30-05-2008, 09:02 AM
hey guys
ill try and dig the stickers out over the weekend and put a thread up for em - theres white uns and red uns.
glad you're still enjoying the pics - the variety of cars was mind blowing. just as i had pretty much decided what wheels etc i wanted for my car, one trip there and my mind is in a pickle again. originally i'd planned on sprint harts... now having seen the weds sport, hiyashi street fins and the rays on the cozylights cars im all confused again! :p

09-07-2008, 07:56 AM
Just having a look at the pics and noticed you said you can't find the RC Car cover, I have seen them come up on Japhoo only and very rarely

use this link to check every now and then




09-07-2008, 08:53 AM
cheers oz. i'll keep checking that search. hope the pics brought back some nice memories!

08-11-2008, 09:14 AM
thought i'd dig this thread back up again as ive just found this video on youtube - kinda gives you an idea of the number and variety of cars that attended!
sigh.... wish we were in japan right now...:o
