View Full Version : Keeping Up to Date

16-05-2008, 10:47 AM
Its been a while since I've been haunting the forum. Just thought I'd let you know whats gong on in my life at the moment. I left Australia last year and am now living in Bangkok, Thailand. Spending most of my time studying the language and relaxing.

For all those who have sent me mails re Beat parts etc. I can get genuine parts as usual if you have part numbers for me, have them sent directly from Japan to you. I can organize quotes for this before purchase as usual


Now not being in Japan, it is unfortunate that I can't organize domestic transfers of funds to sellers on Yahoo Japan! So until I figure out how I can do that Yahoo is a no go for me

I hope you are all having a blast, and if you get over here drop us a line.....

BTW I am still Beatless. Couldn't get it into Australia....can't get it into Thailand either, my baby sits in Japan still...... regretably I ay have to part company with it.... life sucks sometimes

Cheers All


16-05-2008, 12:19 PM
hey oz
good to hear your alive and well, sorry to hear you're still beat-less. we're actually in japan now, about to go to MTB this weekend in motegi.

16-05-2008, 05:55 PM
Thats great, I had long wanted some fellow Gaijin to join me there, it will be good, I hope you enjoy it. Please say hi to all from Beat Brunch and the Tochigi GT crew.... have a great day!! And dont forget the Kodak OK!!



16-05-2008, 06:29 PM
I think we all missed you lots

17-05-2008, 07:34 AM
I wish we could sort this Yahoo auction thing out, it's costing me a small fortune in fees to get the stuff I want :rolleyes: And Oz don't sell the Beat, circumstances could change again as quick as before, you'll only regret it.

Andy V
17-05-2008, 09:45 PM
Yep Oz, great to know you are still alive and kicking.

Enjoy your time in Thailand :)

20-06-2008, 05:30 PM
I know it's a bit late but unfortunately I don't get on here very much at the moment either... :(

Glad to hear you are ok Oz, Sounds like you are having fun out there...

Pop some pics up so we can all be jealous of where you are...;)

Hopefully I will be able to get in here a bit more often now but I'm not promising anything...

As for an update from me...
I'm still struggling along with work as usual, still got the Impreza, and hopefully this year (if I can sort out the money) I want to start to learn how to fly :)

And if we get any more posts like we had earlier (those that saw it will know what I mean), use the red triangle at the top of the post to report it and I will see what I can do to delete it.

I don't have full moderation rights but I can do a fair bit when it comes to posts like that


21-06-2008, 02:16 AM
Good to hear your all fine as well, not sure what the post thing was all about though.. photos attached.

All the rest are here on the blog


