View Full Version : White dials
Hi everyone,
I collected my Beat from Newcastle docks today.
There seems to be a rattly, grinding, rumbling noise coming from the engine bay.
Sounds almost like a bearing? might be on it's way out.
Also, the engine misfires at low revs, but it is fine at high revs.
I have to rev it quite high when pulling away from a junction, otherwise it feels like it might stall.
I've cleaned and gapped the plugs, cleaned the distributor cap, rotor arm and HT leads, but it's still misfiring at low revs.
I wonder, might it be the distributor bearing giving up?
What's the procedure for taking the distributor out to check it and then putting it back in without upsetting the timing?
Any help or advice appreciated.
30-08-2002, 08:17 AM
A failing distributor is not really likely to cause a missfire. If you have had the cap off you would have probably seen if the bearing was failing as he top of the dist if normally fully of brown dust.
Missfire at low speed could be leaking valves. worth getting/doing a compression test on it.
Is the engine management (orange) warning light on?
Try quickly running the engine with each plug lead off in turn (only take the lead off when engine not running) and start up, this might identify which cylinder the missfire is.
As for what the noise is? Distributors normally squeal when failing. difficult to diagnos a noise with out hearing it :rolleyes:
Steve M
30-08-2002, 08:18 AM
Hi Don,
Confusing title that one..... Thought you had found somwhere to get the 3rd dial (fuel/temp) in white.....
Glad you have your beat now in the UK but typically the problems seem to have started already....
If you suspect it is the Dizy then get it checked straight away, You don't want that seizing on you when you have only just got the car...
It is possible to check the batch number without removing it from the car but the number is in a dificult positon to see
The number is located on a flat plate which is on the bulkhead side of the dizy about 1-2" below the plastic top
I'm sure Steve or Phil will be able to give you instructions on how to remove and re-fit it without upsetting the timing, I did do mine but I can't remember the exact procedure that I used...
Hope this helps a bit
OOPS - looks like Steve just beat me to posting first...
Hi Steve & Adrian,
I'm sorry, I was initially going to ask where I could get MPH white dials , as on Nuna Khan's Beat. It's on Ian's website click (Need for Speed)
Hence the "White Dials" title.
I'll check each cylinder today, but I can't understand why the misfire is at low revs only.
I'll try and locate the dizzy number too. I've printed, how to check your distributor, from the old discussion board.
I'm also going to Dixon Honda in Harrogate to see if I can get the distributor sorted out on warranty.
Does anyone know the part number for the soft top scews?
The Beat is fantastic although I'm having a few problems. I seem to have every available extra, including snow chains!
Thanks for your help so far, it's much appreciated.
The Check Engine light is not on.
The car will rev to it's redline and I've hit the spped limiter already too.
Best regards,
30-08-2002, 02:25 PM
Does the engine light work when you first turn the ignition on?
Ive know people to take the bulb out to cover up a problem.
Normally a cylinder missfire will put the light on with an oxygen sensor fault e.g. too much fuel going down the exhaust.
A poorly seating inlet or exhaust valve can cause a missfire at idle, which clears when reved, where as an ignition missfire normally gets worse as you load up the igntion system by reving.
Really a compression test will be a good indication to valve state.
A honda dealer should be able to sort out getting you a new distributor under warrenty, it can take a while Honda UK getting your car on the system, but once on a distributor can be ordered and replaced. explains what to check on the distributor, its quite involved to remove the distributor and not have to re time up the engine.
Steve M
The check engine light comes on when I turn the ignition on but quickly goes out.
I've been to see Dixon Honda today and the wheels are in motion to replace the distributor.
I've had to fill out a form first to register the car with Honda UK.
Then it's a matter for the parts manager to follow up.
I've given him your phone number just in case he needs to confirm anything.
Thanks for your help so far.
I look forward to putting faces to these names.
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