View Full Version : Help - I've broke it!!

03-03-2008, 12:57 PM
Just arrived home with the Beat on a trailer.The engine cut out this morning and the recovery man has diagnosed - distributor not going round!!! Anyone had this problem? It is likely to be cured by a new distributor? Is it likely any other damage will have been caused? Any help appreciated. - John.

03-03-2008, 06:52 PM
I am very sorry to hear your news, something similar happened to one of ours a couple of years ago. The distributor is driven by a gear pressed on the end of the camshaft. In our case the distributor seized (not uncommon with Beats) and the gear cracked so it could turn freely on the camshaft. If this is the case you will need a new camshaft. also replace the cambelt as it is likely to have been strained.
Camshaft £304.71
Distributor £209.78
Cambelt £38.20
Parts supplied and fitted by our local Honda dealer. Total inc labour nearly £1000 excluding VAT which we do not have in Guernsey

03-03-2008, 07:42 PM
Lawrence, Thanks for the information (but not the news). I've lifted the distributor out and the shaft isn't broken so it sounds like I've got what you had. I guess You can't tell for certain until the camshaft is stripped out? Anyone know someone in the Midlands/South Midlands who might like an engine job? - John.

08-03-2008, 10:30 AM
Paid a visit to my local Honda (Stratford), the guy I spoke to suggested it might be a broken cambelt, in that it isn't necessarily accompanied by noise when the valves hit the pistons!!! Anyone had the misfortune to confirm or deny this? The engine was running at about 5000rpm in top gear when it cut out. He also suggested that I take off the cam cover or distributer gear housing to check the condition of the camshaft - how easy are either of these? It was also obvious that they had never worked on a beat - he asked me where the engine was and how to get to it - so need to find someone else to effect repairs?

03-07-2008, 10:51 AM
It seems it must be the camshaft/distributor gear that has broken as the engine still has good compression at cranking speed. Anyone have a camshaft or distributor they would like to move on?

07-07-2008, 05:29 PM
It seems it must be the camshaft/distributor gear that has broken as the engine still has good compression at cranking speed. Anyone have a camshaft or distributor they would like to move on?

I have just got a new camshaft and distributor over as my Beat did the same thing :rolleyes:

For reference guys:

14110-P36-000 - Camshaft £248.33
30100-P36-016 - Distributor £187.49
06141-P36-306 - Cambelt £35.87
14210-P65-003 - Cam Sprocket - £22.42

These only took 3 weeks to come from Japan too.

01-08-2008, 07:43 PM
Hi, I've found a company that will make me a new gear to fit on the end of the camshaft - to proceed they need to know wether this gear is pressed on or shrunk on? Anyone know which it is? - John.

03-08-2008, 02:45 AM
Although Wh1teleopard has new distractions, she may assist with the engine details.