View Full Version : Timing Belt Replacement
03-02-2008, 10:22 PM
Planning on this job soon. Anyone care to offer: approx time, other items to inspect and possibly replace, do's and don'ts, torque values.
The other day I had some free time, so a local repair facility put the Beat on the lift and quoted $3000 for a simple belt job. The said the suspension, trany and engine must be dropped. Amazing, the nerve.
03-02-2008, 11:02 PM
I don't know if you could do it without dropping the engine out the bottom first.
Transmission has to come out with the engine, but the suspension doesn't. If they take the subframe out and just disconnect the swing arms the hubs will come with the engine.
I'm prepared to be proved wrong by an expert, but from my memory I don't think there's enough room to slacken the tension wheel or remove the covers without dropping the engine out.
The timing belt is quite wide and long considering the size of the car lol We did it with the engine in when we had to take the head off, it tooks up about 6 days in total to get the head off, skim it and put it all back again.
Dropping the engine out took us about 8 hrs.
It's not an easy job in my opinion, but like i said I'm prepared to be proved wrong.
04-02-2008, 12:13 AM
Damn. I have yet to closely examine this issue, but after reading the trusting comments from Emm, Damn.
With the engine installed, can the integrity of the belt be viewed thru an access panel or? If I do drop the engine and replace the belt, I may bore thru the cover plate (inspection access hole) and intall a removable disc.
If I must drop the engine, the thought of an engine upgrade, may we worthy of further consideration.
04-02-2008, 12:30 AM
They are telling you porkie pies, when I got my beat I had a major service before I drove it, all belts and all fluids changed, no where near the $$$ or £££ you've been quoted. Go elsewhere, simple.
04-02-2008, 09:51 AM
I think Honda only charged us £200 for a cambelt change, and £160 for a full service.
i had mine changed as soon as i got it too - the engine certainly wasnt dropped - i paid about 240 for a full service including all the belts. i seem to remember the mechanic lost a bit of skin but said it wasnt too horrible to do.
we'll be putting a new one on mine this week during the reassembly - would some pics are of any use to you? the engine is out of the car tho - theres current pics on my blogspot thing.
04-02-2008, 10:02 AM
Here's the engine out, you can see here there are two covers over the cambelt, the pulley you can see if for the Alternator/Air con if I remember right.
These are all the pulleys the belt has to go around.
There does appear to be a hole to loosen or adjust the tension wheel, but I don't know if you can get to it with the engine still in the car.
this might help :)
04-02-2008, 05:08 PM
I have done this job last year and it is no problem. You don`t have to remove the engine, there is enough space to work. If everything works fine it`s a one day job. Hope it helps you.
04-02-2008, 08:44 PM
£3000.00 :eek:
Ok, I didn't do the timing belt replacement myself, got it done by an ex honda dealership, as I say I'm no mecanick (or speller!) .
Full vehicle service, new gaskets to the exhaust, new relay supplied and installed, all oils and fluids topped up, cable release to hood repaired, new wipers and new timing belt supplied and installed and a full valet including rain screen applied - £600.00 all in.
I'd check around for a better price.
05-02-2008, 12:19 AM
Next week, the remodeled garage will be complete. I've raised the roof height and installed 2 hydraulic lifts. This will allow for maintenance and stowage of 2car over and under. So finally, I'll have working environment. Space here at the beach is at a premium.
Must compliment all that have offered comments. This site is invaluable.
I see this task as difficult, but possible. Will likely do a better job myself as patience may be the key. Are there any torque values or settings that are worthy of posting?
15-02-2008, 01:59 AM
Timing belt replacement task complete.
A shop a few blocks away, picked-up the toy at 8am. Called me at noon with recommendations (meaning the cover was removed and the cavity examined).
Replaced since we are there anyway:
timming belt
AC belt
Alt belt
cam seal
crank seal
tension pulley
Idler pulley
I had all but the seals. 4 hours after arrival of the seals, get a call of completion. Arrived home with the toy in the garage.
Very professional job. No scratches in the new paint.
As a plus, during the downtime waiting for parts, added an external oil cooler in the rightside air intake.
Total costs: $800US
Beat Red
19-04-2008, 02:45 PM
I'm a new Beat owner, don't know how long I can claim that. I need to investigate and know more about the car. I have not data on he tbelt. and the car has gone 88000kms, So I thiks it;s time to replace it.
So far what I've done is removed the centre and right engine covers. Easy
I've also removed Sax shaped air duct. This means more room to work.
Now I'm looking at the left side of the engine.
The two cam covers ? How many screws/bolts is it held on with? Are the different length? The clamp that holds the wires at the top of the engine I guess I have to remove that? Does the motor mount have to be removed? I suspect not.
It'd be great to see of the area with the covers in place.
Thanks everyone.
I'll send pictures.
04-03-2009, 04:28 PM
got mine booked in next week for cambelt at Honda dealer.
have told them to replace tensioner anyway, is it worth changing the idler & water pump as well?
05-03-2009, 08:30 PM
no-one? oh well too late now
27-09-2016, 09:05 PM
Out of interest, how much did Honda quote for the job ?
Have just bought one and am re-commissioning it, MOT booked for this week.... all good then its a new roof and cambelt...... tempted for Honda to do it as then have some history that its been done right
27-09-2016, 09:21 PM
As it was 9 yrs ago don't recall exactly but I do know it was an offer for all Honda single belt engines. Possibly £199 plus the pump, about £90? and the tensioner wasn't to much.
22-12-2016, 05:18 AM
I made a detailed Step-By-Step guide that I posted here - should help anyone who wants to do the job!
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