View Full Version : fused

29-08-2007, 07:16 PM
hi guys

I have a friend with a 10 amp fuse blowing which stops the car from running oopps!!
The fuse in question is in the fusebox above the drivers feet near the bonnet pull,if you looked at the fusebox straight on it would be the left hand row second fuse down from the top(above the spare fuses)

The fuse stops the engine from running and you get no warning lights on the dash pack,does anyone have a wiring diagram or know where i can get one to help me diagnose the fault ,or am i going to have to diagnose it the hard way!! The cars not that big should'nt take long:eek:

Any suggestions would'nt go amiss

Cheers Andy 1991 Beat

30-08-2007, 12:39 PM
Download http://www.honda-beat.co.uk/Beat.zip here

30-08-2007, 12:47 PM
That fuse is called gauges, but if you look on page 10 of wiring diagram (pic 7) it feeds the fuel pump main relay.

Apart from a trapped wire some where, it could be that the fuel pump is beginning to seize up and drawing too much current.

Does the fuse blow straight away or is it intermittant?

Try disconnecting the main relay (behind document box) and see if the igntion can be just turned on.


30-08-2007, 04:08 PM
first I've seen of a translated wiring schematic - a welcomed treat. Any additional English maintenance guides available?

03-09-2007, 01:20 PM
Hi Steve

Thanks for the info on the wiring digram that helps loads:D

Its a intermittant fault as the fuse has only blown twice in the last 3 months,once at the honda garage(norwich) when in for a MOT+repair work and once since then,surprisingly the garage don't want anything to do with it i guess it would cause them too much hassle!!!!!

Have'nt had a chance to have another look yet but whatch this space.


06-09-2007, 08:22 AM
Thanks for the wiring dia link.
