View Full Version : OMG! I don't think it was possible!

25-08-2007, 09:48 PM
First of all a really massive hug and thank you to mylee for pointing me in the direction on the auction people they used! Can be very happy to say depending on next weekes outcome then either a nice white or captivia blue beat will be joing us new year ish!!

but whilst looking through the auction I saw what must of been the newest beat known!! a 1996 silver one!! also a 1995 and 1994! Plenty of red and yellow ones, but even green and blue are ubber rare!

me = :)

26-08-2007, 05:37 PM
No No Jen, I've the newest beat, in Silver with 22k miles on the clock :D
Glad the info was of some use to you. If you don't mind could you PM me the login details so I can have a nose around, mine have expired.

I was amazed at just how many are going through the Jap auctions and there are some fine examples. I think the lowest mileage I saw was a documented 9k km!!! that's like 6 000 miles, but you do have to be careful cos there is some junk out there.

26-08-2007, 11:27 PM
yeah will do the pm tommorow, You know how many beats were for sale in the last week? 90!! you know how many of them were 93-96 variety? 22!!!!

but you know what amazed me more? 8 were white ones and 5 blue ones!!

there are some nice done up examples on there aswell, some fuggly ones but cheap enough to be worth while!!

27-08-2007, 12:15 AM