View Full Version : Beat breaker on fleabay

13-08-2007, 03:03 PM
might be of use for some folk after parts?

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HONDA-BEAT-ROADSTER-660cc-pp1-window-switch-BREAKING_W0QQitemZ330155583334QQihZ014QQcategoryZ2 7385QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

13-08-2007, 08:55 PM
i'm nearly in tears seeing this! looks like its been used as prop in army excercises
tempted to ask price for whole car, think shipping will be dear! unless he'll still do it for£3 !!!

13-08-2007, 09:18 PM
aye - tis a very sad little thing indeed :awwww: :(
all the usual desirable bits seem to have been scavenged already - bumper inserts, heater knobs etc. all seem to have gone.

Paul w
14-08-2007, 07:21 PM
I bought one back from the dead from a similar state as this. It wasnt missing quite as many bits but cosmetically it was much the same.

Someone save it!

Maybe we could all chip in?


16-08-2007, 01:05 PM
I bought one back from the dead from a similar state as this. It wasnt missing quite as many bits but cosmetically it was much the same.

Someone save it!

Maybe we could all chip in?


looking into shipping costs now, got a few contacts;)
thats if i can get a decent price from seller!
anyone got thoughts on top price to buy?
or price for car & shipping?

16-08-2007, 06:15 PM
has the seller given any indication as to why it was scrapped? does it run or maybe somethings happened like the cambelt going etc?

Paul w
16-08-2007, 06:52 PM
I'm not sure about shipping, but do you know anyone in the RAF? its fairly common practice to get cars flown over in hercules transporters! I've spent many a trip sitting in a car, in a herc, in the sky!

16-08-2007, 11:12 PM
I dunno Paul, but if they give me the keys I'll fly the plane :D


It's a shame to see the little beat all beaten up, if I could I'd give some money towards saving it. I've decided I want the white beat on ebay too, wish I just had some, well any money really


16-08-2007, 11:23 PM
has the seller given any indication as to why it was scrapped? does it run or maybe somethings happened like the cambelt going etc?

good point, done some thinking:awwww:
obviously breaking car,as i understand it he's got shop on e-bay, so why ask people to e-mail interest in 'x' part then put on e-bay?
surely easier to put 'lots' on in one go ie small electrical,
engine parts, trim etc?
or is it the fact that it's ended up in an out of the way place & is in no hurry to get rid?

17-08-2007, 08:51 AM
hey old uns
i guess hes just doing it to save all the ebay fees and hassle - if he put loads of random bits it'd probably take forever and i think he'd have to pay insertion fees n stuff? so if it didnt sell he'd waste time and money. it is so sad to see the little bugger like that.
i agree with em, the white one looks very nice. quite high milage tho for the asking price? if miss leopard is planning on borrowing the plane for the weekend, could she stop by japan and pick up some watanabe wheels for me?? :D

19-08-2007, 10:06 PM
got an answer for selling whole car:

The car was used by someone in the RAF base and was not registered in Cyprus and they abandoned it after they left and it was confiscated by Cyprus customs.I bought it from a customs auction but they will not allow me to register the vehicle as they have to be under 5 years old.I am only allowed to export the vehicle outside the EUROPEAN UNION(UK not allowed) or sell it within the EU as parts.It was brought here used from Japan.If I was to send it to the UK it would have to be minus the engine(rolling chassis)The car was complete when I got it.I wanted to fix it up.

thats that then, at least we have another donor car, albeit fighting with other buyers!

20-08-2007, 12:46 PM
Can't we buy the rolling chassis then the engine? lol