View Full Version : It's docked!!!!

28-05-2007, 10:36 PM
As many of you know, I bought my Beat from Japland in March. Well I've been tracking the vessel it's on, the 'Asian Sun' for a while now. It's been sorta 'local' for a week or so, docking at Liverpool for 4 days and then leaving last night, I tracked it passing Holyhead. This morning I logged on eagerly to find it was sitting off the IOW!!!
Well at 16.30 this afternoon, it's status changed to 'MOORED'!!!!!!!

WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess the Beat has Landed!!!!! :D :D :D

29-05-2007, 09:38 AM
CONGRATS mylee!! hope you two can be united soon! :D

30-05-2007, 12:25 AM
Congratulations :)

Andy V
31-05-2007, 11:51 AM
Yep, congratulations indeed!

Another Beat in the Garden of England :D

31-05-2007, 07:03 PM
I picked her up today!
Organised a car trailer yesterday after receiving my release notice from the Docks, arranged to borrow a friends 4x4 and set off at 4am this morning!
First in the queue at 7.30 I handed over the paperwork and waited excitedly. Ten minutes later there she was in front of me, I'd forgotten how little these babies are! First thing that caught my attention were two nasty door dents on the rear quarter :mad: Can't remember these being mentioned on the auction paperwork - maybe they've happened since? One looks particularly fresh. They will have to be sorted. Along with kerbed alloys, this is a personal hate of mine
Opening the drivers door, the seat was as expected (and advised) condition - usual wear on the side bolster. I've already got a replacement cover, so off to the trimmers as soon as! Nice black dials :D (you know what that means!) and 35 823km on the clock! 22 259 miles!!!!!
Straight up on the trailer, and then I done it.......switched off with the window open. Of course the battery was flat after spending the best part of 8 weeks on a boat. So the beat travelled the 120 miles home, through rain and shine with the window open!
Had just one hairy moment when the trailer got a real good sway on, really really scared me, thanks to the HGV in the lane next to me who dived onto the hard shoulder. Totally my fault, going to fast. Really thought it was gonna turn over.
Pleasent surprise when I got the beast home, a brand new Beat cover wedged behind the drivers seat. So until the garage is cleared out, the cover is gonna be really useful.
Got the car, now just got the painful wait for the paperwork :( . Full Monty service booked for Saturday, so hopefully be on the road within a month

31-05-2007, 07:29 PM

01-06-2007, 12:13 PM
Glad to hear you got it home in one piece :)

01-06-2007, 09:41 PM
good newss hope you enjoy it