View Full Version : The price of a beat?

13-05-2007, 11:08 AM
How much is a beat worth?

My beat has been for sale since January and I get 2 emails a week from people offering about £2k for it. The beats on ebay usually show reserve not met. Yet, any beat that shows up on autotrader are priced nearer £4k and are usually there a while.

There aren't that many about and judging by the number of emails I get there is plenty of demand for beats...

Are they really only worth £2k?


13-05-2007, 12:00 PM
£2 top £2.5k sounds about right for a Beat. Although they are ufairly unique they are a 15-16 year old car with known problems with cambelts. Any buyer is going to budget in for giving the car a full service and that will affect the price.
I bought my Beat in January from a trader on the Autotrader webiste and paid £2,200. Originally, he had priced it at £3,500 but couldn't sell it for that and I managed to beat (excuse the pun) him down on the price. I wonder whether I might have been able to go lower but don't feel I did a bad deal.

13-05-2007, 07:17 PM
I paid £2,500 for mine from a privately owned garage, but those on ebay tend to go for around £1,600 - £1,800 depending on condition. I would say £2,000 is a resonable price to ask for a good condition one, or maybe more for a really mint one.

Paul w
13-05-2007, 07:39 PM
Yep, 2k is a good price these days, maybe 2750 for a really nice one with FSH etc. Specials attract a premium (like the Version Z and erm... F...oooh and C)
I'd love a nice clean original Version C....

Seen Z's change hands into £4k..


13-05-2007, 08:03 PM
Just bought My Version Z for £3000 although that was in Japan, it's cost me another £1000 to get it 'home', but with documented 36k KM FHSH and one owner, it's really what I was looking for. I'm lucky enough that the Beat is a 'weekend fun car' so my plans are to keep it for many years.

13-05-2007, 10:21 PM
Have you got a link to your Beat?

As regards to price, I would regard £2,000 as my top wack for a Beat. As has been posted, they are now old cars and will need expensive work as a matter of course.

13-05-2007, 11:16 PM
Beat no longer for sale.


05-06-2007, 07:20 PM
This thread appears a little downbeat about the prices of our Beats. Lets face it we all bought one because we love the look and it is hilarious to drive. Yes it is a fifteen year old car, yes there are problems, but I believe the uniqueness of the Beats (and their rarity) will start pushing prices up.

We all own a piece of automotive history, not some piece of GM or Ford crap produced in its zillions.I think the Beat is a future classic, we should treat them as such and price them high when we sell.

06-06-2007, 12:32 AM
Really a selling price is set by the buyers though.

You could ask a million pounds for one but you'd never sell it, or if you do, share some of the money with us hey? :p

07-06-2007, 08:48 PM
I will join the debate, the beat prices are very good in Japan but it cost at least a £1000 to get one over as previously shown hence you can pick a good 1991 in Japan for about £1000 hence landed on the road in the UK about £2000 would be the bottom line.

The good news is the Beat is a good cheap sports car to run, cheaper car tax and good fuel consumption.

Most Insurance companies reconise them and I get covered for around £200 a year, but I am old Fart (34)!!!

What you need to be is a little handy and do some of your own maintenance and source alternative parts!!!

Keep um good and clean and running well and they will be worth a few quid the older they get :)

08-06-2007, 06:04 AM
Most Insurance companies reconise them and I get covered for around £200 a year, but I am old Fart (34)!!!

Please tell me who, cos I'm an old fart as well (35) and I can't get anywhere close to under £300. I know there are a lot of deciding factors, but I have max NCB, live in a nice area and garage the car!

Paul w
08-06-2007, 02:19 PM
Tesco, AA, Adrian Flux, Privilege

Try limiting the milage if you can


08-06-2007, 03:24 PM
Tesco was the cheapest at £341 :eek:

08-06-2007, 06:38 PM
That is easy, your going for fully comp, as my old bucket cost me £700 and owes me a little more I insure her third party fire and theft !!!

Like you I only use her in the summer, due to all the leaks :D

That to me looks a good deal for fully comp!!!

Phil :)