View Full Version : Service items next day!

09-05-2007, 06:54 PM
With my Beat due in a couple of weeks (:D) I've started getting info together and put an order in at my local Honda garage for some service items, just the usual stuff really
Oil filter
Air filter
Fuel filter
2 headlamp bulbs (just in case)
Rocker cover seal

Now this little lot came to just under £100, but what really surprised me was that the parts are due tomorrow :confused: (i.e next day) I would've thought these things would've taken a little longer, I appreciate they are service items but with the beat never being offically available, I am surprised.

09-05-2007, 07:53 PM
Don't be! I'm a convert to Honda after assorted Mercedes ownership. Mercedes parts took up to 2 weeks to arrive and service with a scowl. Anything I've needed for the wifes HR-V has arrived next day except a complete CVT gearbox service kit sourced from Japan (that took two days), and that was supplied and fitted free of charge even though the car is 8 years old and done 80k miles when the gearbox started playing up.

09-05-2007, 08:22 PM
I'm old school Honda, on my 5th car in a row and my second bike, damn even my lawnmower is Honda :o
Now don't get me wrong, I think they make a damn good product, but the stealers I find just like any other manufacturer.

I get fed up being talked to:
1) as if I'm stupid,
2) as if my car is the only one in the world with a problem
3) as if you owe them, big time.

09-05-2007, 08:25 PM
most items for the beat that are asked for freaquently are in stock at the wharehous in gent belgium.
parts that have to come from japan will need between 2 and 7 days.
and when there is enove demand for parts the will keep them in stock.
even parts for the honda s800 and n600 are still in stock.

09-05-2007, 08:29 PM
I find Alan Day's down here in Portsmouth a model of how a dealer should treat it's customers. Always courteous and treat me with total respect… and willing to go the extra mile to sort a problem.

09-05-2007, 10:51 PM
Brindley Honda in cannock are excellent too, they can get pretty much everything next day and are always really really nice.

Much better than any form of service from Merc :rolleyes:

10-05-2007, 07:06 PM
Thumbs up too for my local Honda shop, Johnsons in Kidlington, Oxon. Nothing's ever a problem, parts turn up fast, staff are a decent bunch too. BUT, as i drive a company Transit i sometimes have to go and get work done on it and the Ford stealer in question are a bloody nightmare(naming no names). Most of the time i sit(or stand)there thanking my lucky stars i don't own a Ford and have to use that place.


10-05-2007, 07:20 PM
Why are you always talking so bad about Merc?
It is the future of the car! (orginal slogan)
The way they treat their customers is normal, we germans like to suffer:)
Maybe i'am :) no good german, i dont like to suffer, that's why i a driving Honda Beat, S800, HR-V, N600, Z600...

10-05-2007, 08:19 PM
Well, true to their word I got a phone call at 10.30 this morning and all the parts were in. Only thing they couldn't supply were the spark plugs, but this isn't really a problem.
Delt with a different guy today and he asked what all the parts were for as he didn't recognise them. When I said a Honda Beat, his face lit up like Christmas, said he hasn't seen one for 8 or 9 years and it would be great if I could pop along with it so he could have a look again!

10-05-2007, 09:30 PM
Why are you always talking so bad about Merc?
It is the future of the car! (orginal slogan)

Example of my MB woes…

I bought a new V230… the ECU controlling the automatic gearbox kept freaking out and putting the gearbox into 'emergency mode'… 30mph max. Eventually they agreed to replace it under warranty after a half a dozen resets at the roadside by MB assist.

So the great day arrived and so did I at the appointed time… an hour later, still no ECU, 2 hours later still no ECU. Out comes the service manager,

'I'm very sorry sir, but we won't be able to swap your ECU today'

'Don't tell me, you forgot to order it!'

'No, it was ordered and should have been here first thing'

'So were is it?'

'The parts van broke down'

And what was the fault that disabled Stuttgarts finest?

The ECU in their V Class delivering the part failed as well!:confused:

10-05-2007, 10:02 PM
I bought a Smart car from Merc, and they couldn't do enough for me before I bought it.

Then they sold it without even having the V5 from the previous owner as they had a private plate on the Smart and hadn't got it changed yet, then they spent weeks messing me around getting the V5 sorted so they could put my private plate on.

The handbrake didn't work properly, but they did sort that for me.

Then my headlight adjuster started playing up and I got it booked in, and they said turn up at any time, and I said "anytime?" and he confirmed it again. Got there at noon after I'd finished watching a film and they said "you'll have to leave it here, everyone's at lunch" and I said "the man said I wouldn't have to" and she said "well we EXPECT our customers to bring their cars in first thing in the morning, not at lunch time" :explode: I wouldn't have minded if they'd actually said that on the phone, but why say anytime if you don't mean it?

They've just been terrible customer service wise.