View Full Version : Big end shells

02-05-2007, 06:16 PM
I need to replace the big end shells.

However Honda says there are various different colours of big end shells for my car.

I've checked the old ones and there's no indication of any colours on them (not so suprisingly)

Does anyone know which colour I need? Or how I'd find out?

02-05-2007, 06:20 PM
You'll have to measure your crank with a micrometer to determine the color required. Another easy way to do this is with a Plastigage. You put a small piece of plastigage on the bearing, bolt everything back up and torque it down, then unbolt it and measure the width of the flattened plastigage to determine the clearance.

Here is a thread on another board with bearing colors for (i think) b-series engines:


02-05-2007, 07:17 PM
hey em
we're doing the same thing here - my block is at the engineers being measured up at the mo. its kinda comforting to know that yours didnt have any colour coding marks either!!
it should be back in the next couple of days so ill let you know if theres anything worth reporting.

02-05-2007, 09:56 PM
Colour codes are a paint mark on the side of the shell, normally discoloured due to the oil.

The correct shell can be worked out by the spec on the crank and the block, just as long as you have not had it ground.

Be warned thou shells are very expensive. £18 - £23 each!!!!!

If your using unmachined crank etc. I can give you details of how to work out your shells.

02-05-2007, 10:08 PM
Here you go. This is were you will find the info needed to work out which shells needed.


Let me know this info and I can tell you what shells you need to fit.

02-05-2007, 11:57 PM
Here you go. This is were you will find the info needed to work out which shells needed.


Let me know this info and I can tell you what shells you need to fit.

I know the markings on the conrods are the number 2. I remember wondering why lol

I'll print the page off and ring the machine shop (who have my block and crank) and find out what the numbers/letters are.

Thank you ever so much for the help :)