View Full Version : Honda Beat Workshop Manual
15-03-2003, 02:40 PM
Hey guys,
I have converted all 600 pages of the workshop manual to CD. If anyone is interested in a copy I'm happy to send it to you for 15 pound including postage.
Jason :)
15-03-2003, 05:38 PM
Hi Jason,
2 questions.....
1: What format have you used ?? (word, pdf, etc..)
2: How is the best way to pay ??
15-03-2003, 10:46 PM
I have simply saved each page as a jpg and have organised these into folders according to chapters. As for payment, simply write a cheque for 15 pound and send it to...
Jason Tepper
6 Arundel Court
Box Hill South
Australia 3128
Please include your address and I will dispatch the CD immediately. The price includes postage and the fee to convert your cheque to Aussie dollars.
Hope this helps
PS For every CD sold I would like to donate 1 pound to the club.
22-03-2003, 08:34 PM
Have you considered setting up a paypal account, it would make things much quicker and I'll buy one.
It may also be worth running it through an OCR package and converting it to a .pdf or .doc file then you could e-mail it to us Poms and give half the postage to the site.;)
22-03-2003, 08:40 PM
Good idea that,
Paypal is such a universal thing and it seems to work for anything you need.
I didn't get chance to post the cheque off today after all so if you do have an account Jason then I can pay that way also if you want.
22-03-2003, 10:25 PM
Hey guys
Paypal is not available in Australia...:(
I also attempted to run the manual through a couple of OCR packages but they took far to long to convert each page to pdf. When you take into account that it took almost ten hours of scanning to convert the entire manual, I used the most efficient system available. Coupled with this, jpg has a far better compression which not only saves space but also allows you to quickly browse through pages using slide show so you can find what you are looking for much easier.
22-03-2003, 10:40 PM
Great idea Jason
Put me down for a copy too, do you accept Euro or is STG best? ill send off the money on friday when i get paid!
22-03-2003, 11:05 PM
Hi Jason,
Just incase your interested I did a search on PayPals site and came up with this...
Q: Is PayPal available in my country?
A: In addition to the U.S., PayPal is now available in the following countries:
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Korea
United Kingdom
Obviously, if you still want a cheque instead than that's not a problem.
Hope this helps
Paul w
22-03-2003, 11:11 PM
Just how big is it Jason? I mean all together?
I can get 500MB of server space on here for next to nothing, then charge a small fee to enter the secure area. (for you!)
Just a thought!
23-03-2003, 06:20 AM
Hey guys,
I do apologise, Paypal is now available in Australia and I have set up an account...
My only reservation, is the ability to associate each payment with the respective member. In addition I will need to know your address so I can send you the CD. I'm sure we can work through this.
As for the size, it is 302MB which would fit on the server but would take a lifetime to download, unless you have cable. I thought about using something like StuffIt but apparently you loose resolution of jpg's by doing this and I didn't want to loose any detail. Still interested in this option though.
I thought cheques would be the most simple as you could write them in Pound Sterling, include your address and as soon I receive it I would dispatch the CD.
Thanks so much for the help :)
23-03-2003, 11:27 AM
Cable (well, adsl) will be here at the end of april so it may be an option, its a big project, but it would be invaluabe!
I'll look into it a bit more and let you know
25-03-2003, 10:05 PM
Hey everyone,
Just to keep you up to date. For those of you who have already paid money using PayPal I have dispatched your CD's. It seems to work fine. Thanks for the suggestion.
Jason :)
25-03-2003, 10:14 PM
Hi Jason,
Glad it is working for you.
Just paid mine that way also
Look forward to getting it
28-03-2003, 12:22 AM
Hey everyone,
For those of you who have ordered your workshop manuals, drop us a line when you get them as I like to know how long it takes.
Jason :)
31-03-2003, 07:22 PM
got the manual saturday
31-03-2003, 08:27 PM
Hi Jason,
Got mine this morning...
The movie file is excelent, sat there with the sound turned up and thoroughly enjoyed it...
31-03-2003, 11:53 PM
Hey guys,
It is good to hear the CD's are turning up as I was concerned with the war that they would be delayed. As for the movie file, Im glad you like it. I was even thinking if we could convert it to DivX we could put it on the site.
Jason ;)
01-04-2003, 07:50 PM
Thanx Jason it arrived Saturday
03-04-2003, 09:47 AM
Hey fellow Beat Owners,
I'm really surprised at the number of countries Beats are to be found. While I remember, if you are using Paypal be sure to put where you live in the Shipping Information correctly.
Many thanks
Jason :)
I got mine today :D Many thanks
08-04-2003, 02:36 PM
Got mine yesterday.. Thanks :D
27-05-2003, 03:57 PM
Is your offer of supplying BEAT workshop manuals still available?
Cheers, John.
29-09-2003, 11:02 AM
Just a reminder to everyone that I still have Workshop Manuals if you require one.
:) :) :)
05-06-2004, 03:10 AM
Hey Gang,
Got a PM last night from Karl in Germany. He pointed out that there was no Chapter 9 on the CD. I had a look this morning and although it lists one in the index there is in fact no chapter 9. On translating the index, chapter 9 is dedicated to an automatic transmission. The Beat was never released with an auto so I can only assume that it is a generic index for all Honda manuals.
Beat trivia for the week
Jason :)
I'm intested in your CD , but i'm French; so, how can i do for pay you and how much does it cost if i pay you by Euro cheque?
Received it yesterday!!
Thanks a lot, Jason.
Has somebody already translated it into English?
25-11-2004, 08:39 PM
Hey Matt,
Thats great to hear. Unfortunately only small sections have been translated into English. I attempted to get a chapter translated but the person doing it knew little about cars and it was not very useful.
10-01-2005, 08:49 PM
Hi Jason do you have any manuals left please?
May I have one can pay by paypal
maby collect direct (short drive out)
many thanks
10-01-2005, 08:52 PM
I am a Blond (sorry to the other Blonds)
you are in Oz
so will not pop over to collect, well not this week
have sent you a PM.:bounce: :bounce:
13-01-2005, 09:02 PM
Hey Gang,
I received an email the other day from Frank about a manual. In addition, an Irishman ( I think ) also left a message on the answering machine but it wasn't to clear. Is this the same person? If so simply PM me and I will do my best to answer your questions. :)
09-08-2008, 06:40 PM
hi , are these manuals still available , can any one on here make me a copy of their cd , or if they have any other suggestions on getting this information on the beat , i would gladly pay or make a contribution to the site , cheers
09-08-2008, 06:56 PM
Hi, I have a copy, if the original supply is not still available, whereabouts are you? Note: it is in Japanese and I haven't found it a lot of use. - John.
09-08-2008, 08:03 PM
Thanks , probably not worth the bother , ill wait and see if anyone has a better option , if not ill contact you anyway , something is better than nothing .
10-08-2008, 01:56 AM
It's actually very useful even though it's in Japanese.
It has exploded diagrams as well as torque settings, I've found it priceless since I got one.
10-08-2008, 12:19 PM
cool . if one of you guys would int mind posting me a copy , send me a pm and ill reply with my address etc , many thanks ,
hey brian
ive got a copy of the workshop manual, engine manual and parts listing. i think only 2 out of the 3 are on the cd tho. drop me a pm and i'll get it sorted out for you. as miss leopard said, theyre extremely useful and you can get most of the data you need from the diagrams.
21-08-2008, 08:04 AM
Hi, being a new owner, I'm interested in getting a hold of the manual myself. Appreciate if someone is able to point me in the right direction. I am in London, by the way, for the postage. Thanks.
26-08-2008, 09:22 PM
hi , send me a pm with your full name and address and ill sort a copy for you .
30-08-2008, 12:31 AM
howdy just wondering about these manuals can somebody drop me a line on how I can get one please? cheers people!
30-08-2008, 08:01 AM
howdy just wondering about these manuals can somebody drop me a line on how I can get one please? cheers people!
30-08-2008, 09:52 PM
nice one I'll check out the link thank you.
10-10-2017, 03:12 AM
Bringing this back from the dead! i need one... google translate just doesnt do the trick!
12-10-2017, 01:56 PM
I have a pdf of the Japanese Workshop Manual if its of any use?
16-10-2017, 02:45 AM
I have a pdf of the Japanese Workshop Manual if its of any use?
I have the jap one too.. i tried using google translate but thats not good enough. :suicide:
stu g
19-10-2017, 12:35 AM
I have the jap one too.. i tried using google translate but thats not good enough. :suicide:
Which bits do you need translating? Japanese is my second language so I might be able to help. I do have a copy of the workshop manual and parts list.
20-10-2017, 08:58 AM
Which bits do you need translating? Japanese is my second language so I might be able to help. I do have a copy of the workshop manual and parts list.
at the moment just pages 4-7 to 4-9. Just having some trouble figuring out what to do to order bearings...
Thanks in advance!
stu g
20-10-2017, 07:02 PM
Hi Soongster,
Pages 4-7 to 4-9 are part of the maintenance schedule. Are you sure this is what you want?
24-10-2017, 03:18 AM
Hi Soongster,
Pages 4-7 to 4-9 are part of the maintenance schedule. Are you sure this is what you want?
2735 yes 4-7 attached.. just making sure we are looking at the same thing.
24-10-2017, 01:46 PM
2735 yes 4-7 attached.. just making sure we are looking at the same thing.
That's from the Engine manual (60P3600) not the shop manual (60SS100)
I have never seen any other language manual apart from Japanese, basically because the Beat was a Japan only model.
There are copies of the wiring diagram about which I translated to English.
stu g
24-10-2017, 11:17 PM
Here you go, hope this helps:
Engine Manual 4 - 7: Oil clearance measurement
Main bearing
• Ensure that you measure in the correct axis.
• Don’t measure the crankshaft on an off-centre angle, and don’t rotate the crankshaft (translation note: whilst you have a plastigauge clamped in)
1. Take the cap and bearing off. When you put it back on use the correct torque.
2. Cut the plastigauge the same length as the axial direction (translation note: width of the journal bearing) and place it on top of the crankshaft journal.
3. Place and tighten the cap at the correct torque (4.8kg-m).
4. Remove the cap and use the scale on the bag that the plastigauge came in to understand the measurement. Use the fattest part of the width for the measurement.
Journal oil clearance:
Normal: No1 and No4 journal = 0.016mm to 0.032mm
Service limit: 0.05mm
Left hand image here
5. When the measurement is in excess of the limit, inspect for block expansion or friction, and if there is no abnormality then use an undersize bearing and re-check the clearance.
Conrod bearing
• Ensure that you measure in the correct axis.
• Don’t rotate the crankshaft when you are tightening or loosening the conrod.
1. Take the cap and bearing off. When you put it back on use the correct torque.
2. Cut the plastigauge to length and place it on the crankshaft pin.
3. Place and tighten the cap at the correct torque (3.2kg-m).
4. Remove the cap and use the scale on the bag that the plastigauge came in to understand the measurement. Use the fattest part of the width for the measurement.
Pin oil clearance:
Normal: 0.020mm to 0.038mm
Service limit: 0.05mm
Right hand image here
5. When the measurement is in excess of the limit, inspect for block expansion or friction, and if there is no abnormality then use an undersize bearing and re-check the clearance.
25-10-2017, 03:50 AM
Here you go, hope this helps:
thanks! legend!
stu g
25-10-2017, 06:55 PM
I do wonder if there would be any demand for the whole thing in English?
26-10-2017, 05:24 AM
I do wonder if there would be any demand for the whole thing in English?
1 here
pretty sure there's demand for it.
got a few people asking on the FB groups for an English version. haha
stu g
26-10-2017, 10:54 PM
OK, so here is page 4 -8. Sorry that the tables don't paste in well. You might have to cut and paste them out in to Excel.
Engine Manual 4 – 8 Metal selection, mating
Main bearing
• If you hare changing the main bearing, look up the crankshaft bearing mating mark and the cylinder block hole mating mark against the table.
• When you have inserted the new bearing, measure the oil clearance.
Cylinder block image - No1 journal, No4 journal
Translator’s note (the first letter “C” is the No 1 journal, second is No2 journal etc)
Cylinder block hole (44mm)
Mating mark Data
No2 and No3 journal No 1 and No4 journal
A +0.000mm to +0.006mm -0.006mm to +0.000mm
B +0.006mm to +0.012mm +0.000mm to +0.006mm
C +0.012mm to +0.018mm +0.006mm to +0.012mm
D +0.018mm to + 0.024mm +0.012mm to +0.018mm
Crankshaft image – Crankshaft journal mating mark stamp
No1 journal, No 4 journal
Translator’s note (the first number “2” is the No 1 journal, second is No2 journal etc)
Shell bearing image (right hand side of page) – align the notch in the correct place. Note the colour mark on the side of the shell.
Selection table
Bearing thickness is 2mm
Mark Colour mark Data
G Red 0.000mm to -0.003mm
F Pink +0.003mm to 0.000mm
E Yellow +0.006mm to +0.003mm
D Green +0.009mm to + +0.006mm
C Brown +0.012mm to +0.009mm
B Black +0.015mm to +0.012mm
A Blue +0.018mm to +0.015mm
Each bearing colour goes up in 0.003mm increments.
Main bearing mating table
Crankshaft journal mating mark Cylinder block hole mating mark
Bearing side colour
1 Red Pink Yellow Green
2 Pink Yellow Green Brown
3 Yellow Green Brown Black
4 Green Brown Black Blue
It might be expected that the housing may have expanded following any incident.
These are set up so that, as before, No1 journal is 0.016mm to 0.032mm, and No2 and No3 journals are 0.020mm to 0.028mm.
Caution: Don’t just rely upon this table, ensure that you measure the oil clearance again afterwards.
29-10-2017, 10:29 PM
HI Jason
I would like a copy of the manual, just have 2 questions.
1- is the manual in english?
2- how can I pay?
Thank you
stu g
30-10-2017, 10:59 PM
Engine Manual 4 – 9 Metal selection, mating
Conrod Bearing
• When you change the conrod bearing use the table to look up the crankshaft pin and conrod marks.
• When you fit the bearing, ensure that you measure the oil clearance along the axial direction.
Conrod bearing table
Crankshaft pin mating mark Conrod mating mark
1 2 3 4
Bearing table (translator’s note: table below this one)
A Red Pink Yellow Green
B Pink Yellow Green Brown
C Yellow Green Brown Black
D Green Brown Black Blue
Note that the oil clearance may have expanded following any incident.
These are set up so that, the oil clearance is between are 0.020mm to 0.038mm.
Colour selection table
Note that the bearing thickness is 1.5mm
Mark Colour mark Data
G Red -0.005mm to -0.008mm
F Pink -0.002mm to 0.005mm
E Yellow +0.001mm to 0.002mm
D Green +0.004mm to +0.001mm
C Brown +0.007mm to +0.004mm
B Black +0.010mm to +0.007mm
A Blue +0.013mm to +0.010mm
Each bearing colour goes up in 0.003mm increments.
Image top right (crankshaft)
No1 pin
No3 pin
Conrod bearing mating mark stamp position
Image centre right (conrod main bearing end) – shows position of mating mark
Image bottom right (shell bearing) – align the notch in the correct place. Note the colour mark on the side of the shell.
31-10-2017, 01:39 AM
Engine Manual 4 – 9 Metal selection, mating
Conrod Bearing
thanks a bunch stu!
also if you happen to translate the whole manual hit me up i will gladly pay for your services.
15-11-2017, 12:07 AM
I have not tried myself as I don't use a smartphone but I understand there are apps which allow you to photograph text (including japanese) and it will translate. How well it would work with a technical subject may be open to question.
18-11-2017, 10:53 PM
I have not tried myself as I don't use a smartphone but I understand there are apps which allow you to photograph text (including japanese) and it will translate. How well it would work with a technical subject may be open to question.
I just tried the google translate app via a photo of the shop manual and it works pretty well.
First paragraph of page 5-10
Engine adjustment - Check compression pressure * Check after warming up (before and after radiator-A fan twice) until the engine warms up.)
1 Remove the engine room cover (5-3)
2) Remove the 10 A fuse of the fuel pump and stop the operation of the fuel pump
3 Remove the center code of the distributor and ground it as shown in the figure Center code 1 leg les, 1 pane 1
08-04-2019, 02:21 PM
Looking to get my hands on a any manual I can, If i get a Japanese one I would try to convert it with my phone app. If I get it to work I will share!
please let me know if you have a manual printed you can scan or a pdf. If you want to sell one I would buy it as well.
Thank you!
08-04-2019, 03:46 PM
Super interested if you can get a fully translated manual.
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