View Full Version : Non-start!!!

john m
24-04-2007, 01:53 PM
Big issue, my sister tried to start my Beat (hasnt been used for a few months) and because the battery was dead she used jump leads. She says the leads sparked and when she looked closer she had attached them the wrong way around!:mad: Now I can get no reaction from the car, no dash lights, will not start of its own steam or by jumping. Any ideas? Would it just be a fuse blown or could it be more serious? ECU etc?

24-04-2007, 02:04 PM
If your lucky it's just the main fuze… if not, it may get expensive

24-04-2007, 02:40 PM
My bet is that she blew the 60A main fuse. Open the fuse panel that is in the engine compartment and check for continuity across the fuse with a multi-meter - or just peek in the window on the fuse and see if she's blown.

john m
24-04-2007, 04:31 PM
Thanks, I think the visual check may suffice for now, I dont have a multi meter.

Paul w
24-04-2007, 04:55 PM
Could be that the battery has gone into deep discharge and is ruined. If batteries go really flat, they can develop a short between the plates. If the fuse is ok, then its worth a look...

24-04-2007, 10:06 PM
I would think it would be more than likely the battery

Try a different battery see if you get any life outta that.

You may be able to rescue it by draining it fully, take it out of the car, run it down, then try recharge it the right way.

If not maybe just a new fuse or a new battery.

john m
14-05-2007, 10:26 AM
Just thought I would leave some feedback to assist in the unlikely event that the same should happen to another Beat. The main fuse (60A) was blown, the battery was dead but took a recharge and all is now well! Sorted the problem for €7 instead of the major bill I was expecting.