View Full Version : Seat Belt Guides

18-04-2007, 10:22 AM
I have just broken my drivers side one (passenger already done for). Some time ago there were postings about metal ones. Can anyone tell me if they are still available and from whom. Don't fancy paying Honda prices for new plastic ones

21-04-2007, 04:21 PM
Hi Bruce. Bruce here. Hmm. Begins to sound like a certain Monty Python sketch.

I gave up with the metal ones. The person making them did not respond to my PM. So I have ordered a couple of plastic ones from Honda at about £20 each. They even had the cheek to not include their fitting within a service, but wanted to charge me £15 for the fitting... Screw that.

Anyway, my old passenger one is still in one piece, so I intend to sell it soon, once I replace it with the new one. Are you interested in it?
I don't have a spare driver's one though.


21-04-2007, 06:44 PM
Only ever met a few other Bruces. Lots of dogs though.

Thanks for the offer but its my drivers side that is broken. At my age its not QUITE as easy as it was to get out of a two seater with the hood up. My first was the original Frogeye (which the Beat reminds me of).
If you do find anyone, will you let me know please?


Paul w
21-04-2007, 08:16 PM
Ooops that person not responding would have been me...

Sorry about that.

I may look at getting some more made, but the castings werent great and it was difficult to polish under the 'loop'

You dont actually see this when they are fitted, but i was concious of the quality issues.


22-04-2007, 06:21 PM
That's OK Paul, you are still great in my book, being a long-serving contributor and moderator.

It's Honda who I am annoyed with, as it was they who snapped the driver's one off in the first place...

But the thread showed that there is probably quite a few people interested in the metal one.
