View Full Version : Another newbie in trouble

03-04-2007, 06:53 PM
There is a large pipe with a twist cap comes up on the front scuttle. It looks like a radiator filler but that appears to be in the back. Can anybody tell me what it is or what it is for. This is where the lack of a user manual in english shows.

03-04-2007, 07:02 PM
Not sure what you mean by the front scuttle.

There is a pipe with a twist top under the bonnet that comes up from the radiator. And there is an expansion tank in the boot.

We use the one on the radiator to get rid of air bubbles and to flush the system if needed.

You should fill it from the expansion tank though so you can see the max level. Also the front pipe is lower in the car so will just drain most of the water out of the system.

03-04-2007, 07:03 PM
There is a large pipe with a twist cap comes up on the front scuttle. It looks like a radiator filler but that appears to be in the back. Can anybody tell me what it is or what it is for. This is where the lack of a user manual in english shows.

i'm no expert but when you say 'it looks like a radiator filler but that appears to be in the back.' don't forget rad is in front, under spare wheel.

when you say back, do you mean in boot? if so the one in centre of painted scuttle panel is oil filler?

i'm sure someone will confirm whether right or wrong?

03-04-2007, 07:08 PM
there doesnt seem to be any water in it, which is what threw me as it is lower than the expansion tank, I couldnt see where it came from as there is a steel plate under the spare. That beat everyone is raving about was sold by a guy 3 miles from me, and i didnt know!! still I love my little Toshi.

03-04-2007, 07:11 PM
There's a few caps under the bonnet to be honest.

The grey tops are brake fluid and clutch fluid.

The black pipe with the silver twist top is the radiator one. If you take that off eventually water should run out. If not it may be an idea to check your expansion tank has water in it. You may be low on coolant.

03-04-2007, 07:16 PM
Here's a pic where the pipe goes:

03-04-2007, 08:28 PM
Thats the one, in the middle. You are a Gem