View Full Version : What would you do?

09-03-2007, 06:32 PM
Hi all,
Been reading through many many posts on the forum for a number of weeks now. But I'd like some advise on what you experienced Beatee's would do to a freshly imported car, in terms of maintenance / servicing before you use the car in anger!?
To give you a starting point, the car is a 1995 36000km example. I'm told one owner with full documented service history ( but my Japanese ain't to hot :D ) so I'm taking this with a 'pinch of salt'
I'm thinking full service - oils, brakes, plugs, but do you think a cam belt change is necessary, or would just be a waste of money at 36000km?
A couple of 'other' jobs that I've thought about - Like all Jap import motors, I take it that the lil Beat will need undersealing? And I know it will require a fog light for the MOT, but is there anything else it must legally have?
One last thing, is a radio expander required?
Sorry for all the questions, but thanks in advance for you advice!


10-03-2007, 12:01 AM
I know the radio will require a band expander :)

Personally I'd change the cam belt just in case. It's up to you though, it isn't an easy job in my books!

I'm affraid I don't know about the rest

Andy V
10-03-2007, 11:01 AM
Hello from just down the A2 in Faversham.

I'm no mechanic so can't give from personal experience, but info I picked up on my early days here was that it is vital to be certain of your cambelt.

I bought a cambelt kit from Drake and Fletcher Honda in Ashford a couple of weeks ago, so I can confirm there's no problems getting them (ordered one day, delivered to the dealership the next day) - I just need to decide where to have it fitted now.

Initial discussions with a garage local to me in Ospringe finds them willing to do the work (and any work) subject to assistance in obtaining parts if necessary, but I'm also wondering whether to ask a Honda Dealership to do the work instead. I suspect the labour rate at Honda will be considerably more than the £35 per hour at my local garage though!

There's also a thread hereabouts somewhere about a dodgy batch of distributors which have caused problems in the past. As time goes on this may be less of a problem (dodgy ones either replaced or have wrecked engines) but would be worth checking the serial number just in case.

When you take it for MOT, be aware the headlight 'pattern' isn't the same as UK-market cars. This isn't a problem in itself, as long as the MOT station don't overlook it.

A radio-expander will be required. I haven't fitted one on our Beat and consequently can't pick anything up.

10-03-2007, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the replies. Looks like a cambelt is top of the list then and checking the distributor is also a must. Any idea when these dodgy distributors were about, am I likely to find it on a late car, i.e 1995 model?
I know my local honda dealer - G&M Gravesend - imported a number of beats when they were first available and are happy to take on the work, but like you say Andy they are £££££, but more to the point I don't trust them with my civic let alone this little baby.
I think I'll have a chat with the guy that looks after the civic and see if he's interested in taking it on, I hope so cos I know he can be trusted. Time to get some part nos together and go get some spares!!
Andy, did your belt come as a kit with tensioner and idler wheels or do these need to be order seperately?

10-03-2007, 04:55 PM
Hey mylee,

Nice to see you posting :D you going to put up a pic of your beat? It would be wise to give it all an overhaul just for your own piece of mind.

Regarding undersealing the car, depends where and when you intend to drive the car. If you intend to keep it stored for the winter and get it out on drier days then you could get away without it maybe. But obviously if you are going to be driving it quite heavily in all weathers then it would definitely be worth doing.

10-03-2007, 05:32 PM
Hey AliA,

I think your right, it's more for my piece of mind really. I've never pushed the mileage on any car without changing the cambelt. So this along with some fresh oil is top of the list.

The car will be garaged and will not be my daily drive as you know, so the underseal may not be necessary straight away, but I think I'll keep it on the 'to do' list :D

I'll get some pictures up when I get them! At present, it's dockside Japan waiting shipping :(

Andy V
11-03-2007, 09:32 AM
I hope you're not left waiting too long for the shipping!

Some links to relevant messages:


Useful list of part numbers started by White Leopard:

Timing belt

As for the timing belt kit I have (06141-P36-306) it only includes the belt and spring, nothing else. Anyone have the part numbers for the other bits?

Now I wonder whether your Civic chap would be interested in taking on two Beats!

11-03-2007, 06:14 PM
Thanks Andy, that's a useful post!
The car hasn't even been delivered to the dockside yet from the auction :( As I asked last night.
I expect he will take it on. He's looked after my cars for years, from the time when he done 'home servicing' in his garage at weekends to now, running his own premises. I bought the civic 3 years ago when it was 3 months old - it's never been back to Honda since for a service!

23-03-2007, 12:46 PM
Here she is, just a painful wait now :(


23-03-2007, 03:31 PM
very nice looking! is that a mugen exhaust?

23-03-2007, 04:42 PM
:D hi, last time i bought beat, the first thing is change the cambelt for safety purpose and to avoid broken cambelt. Because very difficult to buy beat part in Malaysia. I have to go throught Singapore dealer import from Japan.....


23-03-2007, 04:45 PM
here is my beat......I would like to find member for beat....:) :D


24-03-2007, 02:07 AM
very nice looking! is that a mugen exhaust?

I wish! think it's standard.

24-03-2007, 12:17 PM
Looks like one of the optional extras exhausts.

24-03-2007, 02:35 PM
Looks like one of the optional extras exhausts.

Explain further? Does this not look standard to you guys an' gals then?

24-03-2007, 03:46 PM
exhaust looks like ours, fitted with option from honda,chrome cap over exhaust, just like the ones you get from Halfrauds!

25-03-2007, 05:25 PM
Explain further? Does this not look standard to you guys an' gals then?

Yea, it was a factory option. Along with things like Alloy wheels and mudflaps.

26-03-2007, 06:13 AM
oh well that's a shame, thought it might've been something special.

There's some cracking parts on the Jap yahoo site, do we have anyway of getting these now Oz has moved on?

26-03-2007, 09:08 AM
hey mylee
ive been looking at getting hold of some bits from the auctions too and thought about using this guy:
we've used him loads before for clothes/trainers - hes definitely a straight up guy but it can work out pretty pricey...

26-03-2007, 01:33 PM

I'm up for that. I'm sure we could split the postage costs.
Keep me informed, definately interested!

26-03-2007, 02:00 PM
oh well that's a shame, thought it might've been something special.

I wouldn't be too upset. I never had one :awwww:

18-04-2007, 02:09 PM
hey mylee
ive been looking at getting hold of some bits from the auctions too and thought about using this guy:
we've used him loads before for clothes/trainers - hes definitely a straight up guy but it can work out pretty pricey...

Tado - Have you tried using this guy yet for getting Beat parts from the Japhoo pages? I'm thinking of buying some parts soon...

18-04-2007, 05:36 PM
hey dax
ive not ordered the beat parts from him as im out of the country again at the mo. however, juno is more than happy to bid on stuff as long as its not too big or heavy to ship. my gf and i have used him a lot in the past for other stuff tho - hes totally sound.

19-04-2007, 02:44 PM
Hey Tado,

Since you mentioned this guy, I've made contact and used him for a couple of bits. Got a new tonneau cover for £50 delivered, a pair of side repeaters for a tenner, so I can make my self some clear ones and my best buy yet, an original seat cover for £40.
I can now have my drivers seat repaired and keep the Beat original.

19-04-2007, 07:39 PM
hey mylee!
thats great news - happy to be of help! :D

19-04-2007, 08:30 PM
Tagged for the mine of info!:)