View Full Version : First drive after 3 years.

02-01-2007, 02:33 PM
Hello People & Happy New Year!

The last time I drove my Beat was some 3 years ago. Since then, it has been in storage. The first time after that I attempted in starting the car last month and It did start first time. :)

I plan on driving it very soon. The last time I started it there were signs of overheating. FOr that, I will be replcing the thermostat.

What else should I be changing, eg rad flush etc before I start driving her again, softly and hard. :)

Any advice will be appreciated!

02-01-2007, 03:36 PM
Hi Miguel

Yes id change thermostat,take the spare wheel out remove the spare wheel holder and give rad core a good blast with a hose ,dust flys bugs get in here.Then take of the pipes of which go in rad and put the hose in one end do this for a few minutes.Then were you have removed thermostat put the hose in there ,this will then run out at front of car taking all the old water with it.If its over heating does the fan come on at the front when over heating?If not replace the thermo switch which powers the fan when engine is hot.Look at all the pipes see if they are cracking and replace were needed.Before all above put some rad flush in let car run for 5mins with heater on hot position stops air pockets and flushes heater out to.

Hope this helps

02-01-2007, 06:27 PM
Thanks for that. Would you happen to know just where the thermostat is located.

Also, anything else that needs changing? Anyone?

Thanks! :)