View Full Version : Frightening noise please help

Andrew Fisher
22-11-2006, 09:45 PM
I'd be really grateful if anyone could help. I'd driven a long way in the awful wet last week (probably nothing to do with it, as is changing oil and filter last week, but you never know), and next time I took the car out there was a really weird noise - like a metallic gurgle, with squeaking too, seemingly not related to engine speed, not there all the time, some times worse, really not a nice noise at all. I sort of thought it was the fan belt (I've had that get really bad on another car after very wet weather), but I tightened it up today and, having the top cover of the engine off, started the engine, the noise was still there, and it was the same, and really didn't seem to be coming from the fan belt.

I don't know if my paranoia has taken it to the other side of the engine to the distributor because noises can be very hard to trace. Has anyone had a noise like this? And if it is the distributor, are they still available?

I'd be really grateful for any replies.

22-11-2006, 10:39 PM
A metalic gurgle? Like a bearing kind of gurgle?

Andrew Fisher
23-11-2006, 09:27 PM
Yes, a bearing kind of noise, I think. The car also smelt of petrol more than usual.

23-11-2006, 11:27 PM
Have you noticed any fluids on the floor underneath where the car is parked?

Andrew Fisher
24-11-2006, 09:34 PM
No I think I tightened the sump plug back up okay!

25-11-2006, 12:13 AM
Have you noticed a massive rise in petrol consumption? Anything like that? Using an unusual amount of oil?

Have you taken a look under the inspection panel for any fluids? There is a large pipe that runs from the top of the petrol tank (drivers side) towards the intake manifold, then I think one of two more pipes, then to the fuel rail, then back to the tank (although I think the petrol runs the other way lol) have you checked this group of pipes for leaks?

28-11-2006, 12:38 AM
Just a guess...

Isn't there some kind of inspection window in a tube that allows you to check the air conditioning system's liquid? There is a pic of its location under the front bonnet, but I've always forgotten to look at it.

You could look there.


08-12-2006, 12:53 AM
If its coming from the inside of the engine then you might have a valve dropped. Best to check is to get a pressure tester and just have a look.

Andrew Fisher
13-12-2006, 09:53 PM
Thank you for your replies I've held off replying because I took the car to Honda and they diagnosed the distributor and it's been there ever since waiting for one to arrive. (it felt like tempting fate to reply and it would be six months to get one and/or not be the problem)

Got the car back today and it seems fine and the distributor is batch number 1768 so definitely suspect. I'd never checked because I thought with an M plate surely it was made later down the line. Just goes to show.

The petrol smell was just overfuelling I think, there are no suspect patches under where the car lives.

Many thanks for all of your replies.

14-12-2006, 12:15 AM
Glad to hear you got it fixed :)

14-12-2006, 09:27 AM
Excellent news,

Glad you got it sorted as if the distributor has of seized then it could have either broken the timing belt (pistons hit valves) or stripped the drive cog off the camshaft (pistons don't hit valves but still a bugger to fix)

I've still got the old one I took off mine somewhere, it's an early one and was working fine but I replaced it as I didn't want to risk it... It still gets loaned out now and again to help people with problems though...lol

So apologies, if I had read your post properly at the begining I could have loaned it to you to test...(doh)
