View Full Version : Apologies...

19-11-2006, 04:08 PM
Hi All,

Just a quick message to apologise for some of the posts that have been appearing lately.

Unfortunately we have been hit lately with several new users who are posting messages not really appropriate for our site:mad:

We are trying to keep on top of it by deleting posts as they appear (once spotted) and hopefully it will slow down soon.

At the moment, I'm finding them and Paul is erasing the user from the database but his bit is the hard one as mostly it has to be done manually...:(

Normal service will hopefully be resumed as soon as possible...:bounce:


19-11-2006, 08:12 PM
Hi All,

Further to Adrians post, i've chosen to moderate all new users. This means i can give them a once over before they can post (hopefully)

Removing the rogue users from the database is a tricky job, as i'm no expert in sql databases!

Hopefully this will stop the rot.


20-11-2006, 01:01 AM
What about adding one of those 'what does the picture below say' things to the registration process?

Bot can't read ;)

Paul w
20-11-2006, 04:05 PM
You'd think that would be really easy to do.......

Its a nightmare!


Paul w
20-11-2006, 04:31 PM
I've just been through the database and compared web addresses, email addresses and date joined info (its only a recent thing)

I've just removed about 30 rogue (mainly russian) users!

Appologies if you are genuine and i've deleted you, but there were soooo many!

I'll keep an eye on it and if it gets worse i'll look into changing the board (oh no!!)