View Full Version : beat meet

01-11-2006, 04:17 PM
Hi all,
Was realy good to meet up with you all. Thanks to whiteleopard for organizeing it all. It was really helpfull to chat to beat owners and get a few tips. I have lots of ideas so thought it would be a good idea if we list what we want to do and how we got it done especialy if we use a third party then we could either recomend or not. Look forward to next year to see who has achieved there beat ideas.

Here are mine.
Recover seats in leather (yellow and black)
derestrict it
twin pipes
race filter
yellow neon lights under door trims that come on when door is open.
interior light when door is open passneger foot well
A decent horn
yellow cock sets
Think that will do for starters.

see you all soon.


02-11-2006, 11:20 AM
hey chalky
good thread! it'll be interesting to see how things progress over time.

ive got the slightly daunting task of my engine rebuild to pay for over the winter so ive been hanging back on a few bits to make sure i can afford that!
while the car is off the road (couple of weeks from today) tho im planning on fitting new cobra clubman seats (some kind of brackets/plates will probably need fabricating to fit them to the rails), and also sending the ECU down to paul to have the capacitors done.
im hoping to have the bonnet sorted out too as it could do with a respray.

once thats all done and paid for it'll be a nice exhaust.
one day i hope to get one of Oz's new bodykits he previewed a while back. hopefully he'll have them ready at some point.
wouldnt mind some nice shocks as well...
and.. and.... and....