View Full Version : Beat Practicality?????

24-10-2006, 08:22 PM
Hi...guys first post on here. Thinking about maybe getting a Beat, but just wondered how practical they really are. I travel about 40miles to work and back 5 days a week along A and B roads. And wondered if the Beat could handle everyday use???

Sorry if its already been asked a million times!!!!!

24-10-2006, 09:23 PM
I used mine every day and I've got to admit I think it suffered.

But then mine doesn't seem to have been very well from before I bought it.

I recommend coming to Kingsbury on the 29th if you can, try one for size see what you think. You may find it a bit tight and therefore wouldn't be too happy driving it 40 miles everyday.

HOWEVER if you do like it I can guarantee you'll arrive with a smile on your face ;)