View Full Version : arghh!!

15-10-2006, 01:42 PM
i parked my car in some estate yesterday in ireland and my car was up for sale sign. Then around 1 hour later the residents in the estate called the number for sale(luckly), which they told me some 15year old lads were trying to break into my car, they cut into my clear plastic rear window and try to get into my car.So i quickly ran to the car and i couldnt catch to the lads...The police cars came and crap but didnt do feck all, they stole my bag which had credit cards and cash:mad:in the front passenger seat and worst of all they cut my rear window!so could any recommend me how i can repair it??thanks!

17-10-2006, 01:44 AM
not good to hear, I think one of the Irish members had a breaker in recently maybe they couldhelp out?