View Full Version : New Hood

15-10-2006, 11:26 AM
Hello All!
The garage that i bought my beat from have very generously ordered me a new roof, as they admitted they fitted it badly which resulted in tearing, leasking etc. My problem is, that when i took my hood off to rivet some press studs, i noticed that there is a plastic fitting on inside of where the hood fits, on one side the fitting looks complete but on the other is is half the size, and part of it has obviously snapped off whenever.
Does anyone know what this part is called, and where i may get a new pair? or any alternatives would be gratefully welcome!


15-10-2006, 11:27 AM
Apologies for the 2 posts, I wanted them to be one post but this is my first go at uploading photos!

The part highlighted is the fitting I need to replace, but don't know what te part is called and where i can get a new pair!? Any ideas?

This is the pic of the other side
As you may see, the fitting is not brilliant, when the hood is on, there is a sticky out bit and it doesnt look like its the right part to be honest, any comments??

22-10-2006, 09:58 AM

From memory of doing my own hood...

If you imagine a sandwich the hood should be the middle bit, the filling if you like, and there should be two bits that act as the bread.

The bottom peice is part of the frame, and the other is the plastic bit.

It looks like your plastic bit has been snapped, but it should sit on the inside of the hood with nuts over the bolts to hold it down.

The bit that sticks out should have a metal wire running to it from nearer the front.

I hope that made sense, if not please ask me. I know what it is what it does etc but am having trouble explaning it.

22-10-2006, 06:35 PM
Thanks for that info, that platic part does have nuts over the bolts,do you know what the plastic bit is called and if so, where or how can i get one?
As for that wire you mentioned, there is no metal wire, however i have noticed at the front of the hood is a sticking out piece of what looks like broken off wire which may explain this. What is the purpose of this wire?

Also another question for you.... My hood does appear to be badly fitting, it does not go over the edge of the windows at all, there is a clear gap of a tiny amount, probably only half an inch if that, so it looks like the hood is too narrow on either side.
The dealer i bought the car from has spoken to the hood makers about this and they said they follow the exact pattern that honda supply to them so it is the correct hood.
I just hope the new hood is ok, I am getting a specialist to fit it so i really hope it will be done properly.

Also, the ruibber seals around the frame of car, to prevent water coming into the window, how can you get hold of them? I think i may need to get a new set as mine look quite worn.

Sorry for all the questions, thank god for this site! without it i would be lost!!



24-10-2006, 08:51 AM
Hiya I've got two Honda part numbers

I do not know which is right and which is left on the car but here's the part numbers



The parts guy faxed me the sheet for all the roof parts, so i have the part numbers for all the bits.

The seals however are very complex and the fax is quite dark. Can you take a picture of the parts you want and I'll try look on the picture for you.

The cable part number is 86317-ss1-003 and is £14.42 for the two
