View Full Version : MY beat
12-09-2006, 11:05 AM
Hi all,
A few more questions about my beat.
She only does about 90mph is this normal and how can i get a few more hp`s. I have been surfing the web and everybody has different ideas so who has tried what and what works.
Also I have a little yellow switch to the right hand side of the steering wheel mounted as it were just above my knee but no idea what its for.
The speedo does not work when you switch the lights on.
Would the twin exhaust give more power and would it have to be remapped.
Are they restricted in any way and can they be deresricted and if so could anybody advise how to do or even do it for me.
Only thing is I bashed up my hand racing motorbikes and cant drive her so just clean her at the moement.
All this aside I love her.
12-09-2006, 01:32 PM
Beat's are restricted to 86.4mph electronically as standard.
So this is why you can't get past 90mph!
Without the restriction though I still find I run out of gears. I can get mine to about 96 before heading into the red line in 5th gear (on a private road of course ;) )
As for the other questions I'm affraid I do not know the answers. Your yellow switch sounds intriguing (sp?) and I can't understand why your speedo stops when the lights are on.
Maybe there's a crossed wire there? Have you tried taking the pod off and having a look? I think Midship posted a 'how to' somewhere about that.
Basically you have to take the plastic cover off behind the pod (looks like it's pushing the pod away from the dash), that just clips on/off. Underneath there is a screw, unscrew that.
Then you can either take the alan screws off the back of the pod and peer around. Or take the cowling (sp?) off the steering collum, get your screw driver up there and un screw the pod from it's mounting. (Makes it easier to work on).
Then there's a big cable that plugs in the back with a green connector, might be worth checking that loom for breaks or damaged wires.
Otherwise I wouldn't know what else to suggest. Seems very odd indeed to me. Hopefully someone can recommend something that isn't so much work!
12-09-2006, 03:04 PM
cheers for that.
i must admit i get some very funny looks when out in her. People ask me all sorts of questions. I try and find ou what the yellow switch is for and let you know.
I have a mate who builds racing motorbikes he is going to see what he can get out of her.
12-09-2006, 06:32 PM
Is yellow switch for rear fog light?
13-09-2006, 10:11 AM
Afraid not doesn`t seem to do anything
13-09-2006, 11:12 PM
Thats the "Thin" Button
press it only when trying to squeeze in a gap that is to small.
I have one on my Honda motorcycleit works only when you close your eyes as you do it.!!!:bounce: :confused:
11-10-2006, 06:04 PM
I found out what it does. Very clever it overides the mileometer so you can drive along and not put any miles on your car.
So obviously my milage is wrong but hey
17-10-2006, 02:47 AM
If you have the cash to splash Id go for a megasquirt ecu and get that mapped up for the beat.
erradicates most running problems from I tell ar caps exploding or dieing and having the standard limiter in place.
I did this with various other mods think I was just a snip over 90bhp
23-10-2006, 11:49 AM
that`s great can you advise on where and who can do this ?
23-10-2006, 01:17 PM
go on ebay and seach for megasquirt there ar elinks tot he megasquirt forum there.
Even if you dont do other mods like exhaust manifold, exhaust and air filter, then you will see benefits form doing this
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