View Full Version : New beat owner in canada!!!!

27-07-2006, 06:40 PM
Hi Guys

I just recieved my "new" beat from Japan,it was not a mint car as I wanted to see how these things are built before I imported more,but it does run and all the main parts are there ect.

I am looking for information,some parts,and lots of hand holding!

Would really like to get my hands on a workshop manual,even if it is only in Japanese,as as well who is a good source for parts on these cars.

I did see someone that was breaking a beat,over the weekend I will do an inventory of broken and missing items and hopefully get this little cutie on the road before the snow flies.

Looking forward to your replies



27-07-2006, 07:06 PM
Hi I think you are the 1st candian beat owner on the site ...welcome :) I think if you PM Jason in Australia he had some manuals on disc.

27-07-2006, 07:47 PM
That would be great

what is his handle on this site?


27-07-2006, 09:28 PM
go to "members -j- then to jason click on his threads and its on there about manual ..hope that helps

01-08-2006, 01:13 AM
Welcome to the boards.

Sorry to tell you but there is another Canadian Beat, a yellow one near Vancouver, in wreck unfortunately now. Honda sent 2 to the States for testers, one red one yellow, the yellow one ended up in Canada. It seems no parts etc. and a few Canadian winters and it was down, last report from a Honda friend there it is/was in a field rusting away...oh well.

Anything you need just drop in to the boards, we're all pretty helpful really....

again welcome, look forward to hearing of the adventures.



01-08-2006, 03:23 PM
Hi Guys

thanks for the replies.

actually there are a few beat owners in Canada.

Due our 15 year import rule we can now have these here,and some guys are bringing them in and reselling these little guys here.

I imported mine to see if there is a market and how they do hold up in traffic ect.

But my little guy was slightly damaged in transport,and somehow a few items went missing as well.

I will need the 2 knobs for the temp selector and fan setting(wonder where those went) if you know if they also came on other hondas please let me know.

And my front edge of the driver side light got cracked,I dont know if the entire light is one piece or several,so I would like one of those as well (if possible).

THanks a bunch guys,I look forward to learning alot from you longtime Beat owners.


01-08-2006, 04:33 PM
Hey and welcome,

The heater control knobs are the same on the old accord I think and you can get them from honda.

As for the light, I just had to buy a new one and it cost me €400, its gone up in price since the last time I had to buy one.

02-08-2006, 05:47 PM
some fan bits are for sale on "for sale"thread

04-08-2006, 11:19 PM
hmm acutally my heater knb is damaged too ... so can anyone tell me the model number so tht i can replace it ...

06-08-2006, 02:03 PM
I got one from Honda and paid, €8 which is about £5. But if you need to know I'll find out.

06-08-2006, 11:19 PM
well thhnkx for asking but i got my heater knob fixed :D .....