View Full Version : Cambelt (and radio) Question

Tamsin Nunley
14-07-2006, 10:13 AM
Hello, Beaters!

It's been a while - Hope i find you and your cars all in fine fettle!

A quick question about cambelts - does anyone know the tension/timing settings?
(Have searched around a bit with no luck, and my mechanic understandably doesn't want to put my new one in until he's quite sure of these settings, as he's not a beat specialist or owt.)

And one other thing - i have one of those tape things connecting my ipod thru to the stereo, and it worked very well til recently when the stereo has started jumping to fast-forward between tracks. Weird.
Does anyone know if this is a known fault of Beat Stereos when playing tapes?

Any help appreciated! :)

14-07-2006, 11:21 AM
well hmm i had the same problem with my ipod tape thingi.....well i think u should press the tape button whenever this happens..then it would stop ff and play smoothly

14-07-2006, 10:08 PM
I can help with the tension and timing settings as i have all the necessary service manuals.They are in japanese but pictures will be ok for any decent mechanic.Your local, drop me a p.m.Lee.:)

Paul w
15-07-2006, 11:40 AM
I seem to remember that you can hold the FF button to turn it off, its a blank skip function.

Search on here for radio manual, i think there is a manual somewhere.


15-07-2006, 01:10 PM
a literal translation from the radio instruction manual.

using the BS button (top right)

When the tape DOTDT being less crowded " liking to hoist automatically? :rolleyes: (i did say literal)

Blank skip switch: At each time you push display [BS] goes out illumination /. [BS] when lighting up when there is a non sound recording part of 10 seconds or more in the tape, fast forward is started automatically. This time display [BS] [>], [<] blinks, [F] lights up. When it reaches to the end of tape while advancing the automatic operation hoist, reversing, it plays back.

Tamsin Nunley
17-07-2006, 10:03 AM
Thanks very much for the help with everything, guys!

Lee, now you mention it, i reckon i actually have the Japanese manual on CD somewhere, which makes me think the info could be on there....? I'll have a check before i start hassling you with PMs :D

That all sounds hopeful about the radio too - was thinking it was a bit of a goner! (enjoyed your 'literal' translation, too, Steve :) )

Will have a fiddle, and see what happens..

Thanks again!!