View Full Version : New Beat Owner!

13-07-2006, 02:13 PM
Hi everyone, I've been lurking in the background reading about the Beat for about a fortnight now, as I kinda thought I was gonna buy one. My friend has had one for a couple of years, but is selling it, as they only used it about every 6 months.

So Im buying it! I've been driving it for a week now, and it has got to be THE most fun car I've ever driven.

The engine noise is the best thing about it, and 'cause the weather has been nice recently its been great having the roof down, zipping round Bristol.

Anyway, I'm after a bit of advise really - I know that the roof leaks a bit, so Im gonna get a new one - reading other posts I see that Oxted do them for about £350, which is great, however I'm slightly confused about the seals. It seems as though they have been 'bodged' on my Beat, and I kinda think its them which are leaking. I've read on other posts that these cost £300 as well, which seems an awful lot for some rubber pipes..
Is this right?
Also, its been suggested that if you buy a new roof from Honda, about £650, they come with seals anyway..

I've read about using this rubber sealent as a temp measure, so I will do that too, in the short term, but any advise would be great!

Also, I notice you all blank out your number plates when posting piccies, is that for any reason? I've not bothered, but will change it if anyone thinks that I should..

Sorry for all the questions, but I wanna get this sorted so I can properly enjoy the Beat without worrying about it raining!

Thanks everyone

13-07-2006, 02:18 PM
Here is a picture of the dodgy seals..

13-07-2006, 02:20 PM
and another

13-07-2006, 07:05 PM
hmm hey welcome ,,(woow alot of new beat users this week)..so u r getting a beat ..well a very good choice ..its one of the best cars ever .....well i dont know anyone cencoring their number plats ..but its ur own choice if u dont want other people to see ur number plate then just cut it out ....but i would never do tht ...its really lame

sorry i dont know much about the roof ...

13-07-2006, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by rob5110
Also, I notice you all blank out your number plates when posting piccies, is that for any reason? I've not bothered, but will change it if anyone thinks that I should..

I used to blank my plates out because it only costs £2.50 from the DVLA to get the registered keepers name and address

I know I used to do it at work.

But now it's not kept where I live, so i'm not that fussed.

PS. Welcome :bounce:

14-07-2006, 11:15 AM
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Dont think I'll bother to blank out plates in future posts then, I guess it doesn't matter too much. Hey, if anyone wants to know where I live, then just ask!

Always happy to show off the Beat in any circumstances, just ask all my mates, who I have been insisting come for a drive in the new car.

I've been getting alot of jokes about it though from everyone..

"Whats Barbie going to do now you've nicked her car?"

"Dont turn the wheel round too far, thats how you get it into reverse isn't it?"

"Where is the slot for the token?"

"How much for a short, back and sides? Oh, you're not a hairdresser?!"

I just let the Beat do the talking - espically at the moment in the amazing sunshine! Knock the roof back and hear that amazing engine noise..

18-07-2006, 05:48 AM
Welcome!! All you have to do to kill the critics is give them a drive, that'll soon quiet them down.... There is no way the seals only are 300 quid as I remember the soft top ones are about 3000 each, and the main window (front) is about 12000.

Genuine parts I can get for ya anytime if your in trouble



18-07-2006, 06:07 PM
Judging from your first picture it looks as though someone has been in the habit of raising the roof without lowering the windows or opening the door. The seal should not be pushed up the way it is. It may be possible to "flatten it out a bit" and then close the door if it hasn't set in its present state. The damage to the edge of the roof is likely to be a significant factor in the leakage as it allows water to collect inside the seal ready to pour out at the front when you brake or go downhill. See attached pic for correctly seated seal.

18-07-2006, 06:09 PM
Sorry could someone resize the pic, thanks.


24-07-2006, 12:00 PM
Yeah, it has all set in its present state - i believe its been like that for a while, but didn't really matter as it was purely a fun runabout when the sun was out, and kept in a garage for the rest of the time.

Now I've got it, keep it on the street and use it as my main car its more of an issue.

I might attempt a patch job by sealing the front one down with rubber sealent, see if that makes any difference.

If anyone knows someone who could fit proper seals in or around Bristol, then let me know.

ozsamurai, is that in yen? How much is postage etc - I might take you up on that, if I can find someone to fit them, without killing my bank balance in the process! I'll let you know, OK?

25-07-2006, 01:18 PM
Sob.... My Bristol Beat Monopoly.... Ruined... :'c


P.S. Welcome to the gang all the same.

27-07-2006, 03:34 PM
Sorry Bruce..
If I see you driving round town I'll give you a beep!

27-07-2006, 07:08 PM
Not the only beat in the village..:D

22-10-2006, 06:54 PM
Referring to the rubber seals/pipes, can anyone tell me where you can get new ones from?


30-10-2006, 10:49 AM

I'm still looking for a new set of seals if anyone knows where I can get them...

Thanks everyone.

31-10-2006, 04:00 AM
I can get genuine parts for you as I mentioned, just need the entire parts number list you need.


01-11-2006, 12:27 PM
Sorry Oz, I thought that 'cause you'd moved away you couldn't get them anymore..

So then.. I know Im being daft, but how would I get the part numbers?

I believe I need three rubber seals - two which fit above the doors and one which goes above the windscreen..

That sound about right, judgeing by the pics?

Sorry to be so useless, i feel stupid asking these questions.

01-11-2006, 01:05 PM
Hang on, I think I have them, be right back...

01-11-2006, 01:16 PM
Above the windscreen I do not have, however the door there are two. One for left one for right, i do not know which is which as the fax has a big line down the middle.




Also you may need



Hope that helps

01-11-2006, 02:23 PM
Woo! Thats great thanks..

If I can get the windscreen one, then Oz, can you PM me and explain how I can order these pls..

Thanks everyone.. I might be able to make it through the rainy winter!

01-11-2006, 09:01 PM
Thanks Em

Rob if you could sort out which ones you want and send it in an email to ozsamurai@hotmail.com I will sort out the prices and shipping for you to have a look.



02-11-2006, 10:30 AM
Horray, I'll do that! Thanks mate...

03-11-2006, 08:23 PM
Hello and welcome

I hope you enjoy your Beat as much as i do mine. It's a truly fabulous thing, and one of the purest driving tools there is. My friends call it the dinky toy and the micro machine, but there's no getting away from how great it is.

Take it easy


PS. Here's mine...