View Full Version : Original Beat Radio Blanking Plate

09-07-2006, 01:59 AM

Just read on Ozsamuri's page that the Beat did not come with a radio as standard. Does anyone have , or is able to get hold of, one of the blanking plates that would have been there?

If not does anyone know of where I could have one made cheaply... either a metal or thermomoulded one.

Cheers, Ben.

09-07-2006, 10:00 PM
Never mind... just learned from Ozsamurai that the beats without radios came with a completely different centre console. Ben.

10-07-2006, 12:10 AM
My Beat came without a standard radio. The console has a moulded recess about 4 cm deep. The corners are perforated and have grooves linking them. I presume this bit is cut out to get the radio in. I shall be fitting a standard radio within the next few weeks and will try to get the relevant bit out in a useable condition. Quite how it could be refitted I'm not sure. If you're interested let me know and your location so I can establish postal charges. Please excuse poor quality cameraphone picture (taken in the dark).

12-07-2006, 12:48 AM
Hi. Thanks for the offer but I don't think that bit would be useful for what I had in mind... luckily I may know a guy who can make me a face plate with frame for the hole, attached by the same screw holes as the radio.

Looking at you picture it looks the same as mind but at present there is a gaping hole where the first step down appears on the rim. The blue area on the below picture is missing on mine. That'll probably be were you would cut. I can take detailed pics and measurements tomorrow if you like to make sure your radio will fit into your console.

Thanks again for the help,


Paul w
12-07-2006, 09:24 PM
wow, every days a school day!

Never seen one of those before


16-07-2006, 12:05 AM
Thanks for the offer, Ben, but our other Beat has radio fitted so I can compare with it.