View Full Version : It's happened again!

03-07-2006, 10:58 AM

Only firing on two cylinders again :(

I don't understand how it could've happened again

The symptons are exactly the same as before, I hope to god it hasn't blown up the brand new exhaust valves yet again!


03-07-2006, 12:47 PM
I can't believe your luck.

Do a compression test first, just to check. Maybe there is some other problem like over fueling.

03-07-2006, 01:17 PM
Well took the spark plugs out and on cylinders 1 & 2 they look fine.

The plug out of 3 is terrible!!! It's absolutley black, looks like it's been dipped in old oil, but it's solid. You can't even see the tip of the plug anymore.

Phil my beat man said he thinks that as it's on the same cylinder again, and that he knows the valves were set perfectly last time that he believes the problem lies with the injecter. It's either blocked or partially blocked therefore making the cylinder run lean causing the valve to burn out.

So might be some new injectors for me :(

We'll do a compression test when the BF shows up with the compression tester hee hee

03-07-2006, 01:49 PM
What kind of HT leads do you have on right now? Standard ones or aftermarket?

03-07-2006, 01:57 PM
Standard ones, but haven't checked them yet.

Phil is coming over later today, so he'll test them for me. Make sure they are working right.

03-07-2006, 04:35 PM
Well Phil's been around and he's confident it's the injector. So he's going to send it away to be ultrasonic cleaned and new valves put in again

However! I explained it's been drinking a hell of a lot of oil lately and he said he thinks the piston rings are going aswell :( So he said in the winter he'd strip the whole engine down and rebuild it again for me :(

Poor beatie, has been very poorly of late!

Good job i love it so much I'll just willingly throw money at it hee hee

03-07-2006, 05:46 PM
Poor Beatie! :( Hope he feels better soon.

03-07-2006, 10:34 PM
.....cool uve got three cylinders ,,maan i wish i had 3 cylinders in my beat ...

04-07-2006, 03:08 AM
I think throwing money at Beats is a good hobby myself, good luck with the task at hand. Will be doing like soon, ie rebuild and rings.....



04-07-2006, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by ozsamurai
I think throwing money at Beats is a good hobby myself, good luck with the task at hand. Will be doing like soon, ie rebuild and rings.....



Thanks matey! And good luck yourself! It's going to be a learning experince for me. I've never seen the bottom end of an engine before!

04-07-2006, 12:38 PM
whilst your at it white get the fuel rail checked out as, had this on mine when I forst got it were it kept running on 2 ended up being a dead injector and a partial block in the fuel rail.

also cant remember if it has a fuel filter but change that aswell. Most importantly because the heads coming off again I doubt it will need to be skimmed but if it does then you only want the bare min off so it is flat again anymroe and compression jut shoots through the roof

05-07-2006, 05:03 PM
Damn sorry to hear the bad news. Hopefully you can get it sorted and back on the road ready for JAE.

05-07-2006, 09:32 PM
Me too Ali, I will be there no doubt. Just depends if Beatie will be able to go too!

I managed to get the induction, air filter/box, spark plugs, distributer and HT leads off/out but was thwarted by a 12mm bolt for which i did not have a socket!

Had lots of 10's 11's and 13's but no 12's :explode:

But I don't think I'm doing too badly for a blonde so far hee hee! :D

06-07-2006, 08:32 AM
A bit of help here for you.. All injection cars have a fuel filter, .... get yourself a good single hex socket set and make sure it has a 12mm socket in it as it is a vital size nowadays,..... with alloy heads remove very carefully in the correct undoing sequence when the engine is cold and always have an alloy head checked for warpage before refitting,.... don't clean the injector get a new one, cleaning can cure some dripping and slight overfueling but will not cure bad sticking injectors,.... it sounds like the cylinder has had petrol wash, this happens when the injector overfuels and the exess fuel washes the lubricating oil away from the bores and rings and causes rapid wear of the rings and cylinder walls usually sending the bore "balloon shaped", to check for this look at the piston mid stroke in comparison to the top and bottom of the bores and if possible measure the clearances with feeler wire, if this has happened go for a rebore and + 20thou or + 40thou pistons, it is doubfull that just a new set of rings will cure it, there again it could just be a totally sha**ed valve guide. good luck.

My beat was vandalised recently during an attempted theft and is in the bodyshop needing £2,500 of repairs....and the insurance are happily paying for it, I thought it would have been a total loss, I wonder what the insurance company value it at?????


06-07-2006, 10:46 AM
Thank you matey :)

All advice and suggestions noted and appreciated.

I do have lots of 12mm's here at home, but there were none to be found anywhere at my grandad's house which is where the beat lives now!

Hopefully my wonderful beat man can sort it for me, he used to be a peugeot engineer and knows engines inside out. I will let him know what you said and see what he thinks.

Thank you

06-07-2006, 02:07 PM
Sorry to hear about your poor beat.. hope things are sorted once and for all soon