View Full Version : new roof

06-06-2006, 09:12 PM
hi all

whats a fair price for a fitted fabric roof for a Beat

ideally prefer a viynal roof from Honda what do these go for nowaday ...is delivery long ? ...These are easy to fit ...right ?



06-06-2006, 09:31 PM
Genuine roof (including rear screen section) from Honda @ £798.39.

Could take a while to get as, would come from Japan (so could be a few weeks/month or so)

Poss available roof with out rear screen section (but would have to confirm availability) @ £505.92

I wouldnt say they are easy to fit really, quite involved, have to drill out attaching rivets etc. and assemble new fabric on to frame.


06-06-2006, 10:45 PM
Hi Steve

that sounds more involved than I want to get

one false cut or hole drilled and the fat ladys singing :o

pricier than I hoped as well

anyone got recent experiences of fabric ones thay want to share


07-06-2006, 07:31 AM
I got one from oxted and it's brilliant. I had to drill the holes myself but they are all marked on the roof so you just have to get something sharp.

I used a sharp screw, followed by a lathe thingy which my grandad gave me, then used the screw driver to loosen the hole out.... doesn't sound very professional but it worked hee hee

I'd recommend the oxted ones purley because you can have the colour you want, oh and they're a lot cheaper espically when you mention the club ;)

I paid £340 for mine and had it was delivered the next day

07-06-2006, 08:58 AM
I did 4 roofs at this stage and they are not hard at all. In my opinion the Oxted one looks so much better then the Honda. Like Wh1teLeopard said they are marked so there is no problem there. Its the reverse of taking it off, you'll have no problem. Here are some pics.

07-06-2006, 10:31 AM

07-06-2006, 10:59 AM

07-06-2006, 06:12 PM
Hello Andrew, see you are in Soton same as me. When my wife had her Beat we had a new roof made at Wessex car trimmers. They are not far from Bedford Place you can find them in the local Yellow pages under car retrimmers I think from memory. They took the old roof off and made a brand new one from the template/pattern. They also fitted it as well, we had it done in red mohair material which looked really good on the silver Beat.

The only thing they could not do was fit a zip in the back window, but that was a fair few years ago so they may well be able to do this now. Think the total cost was near 500 notes but can't be sure as it was a long time ago. They also made up some rain gutters along the roof line so when it rained we no longer got wet :) . Hope this helps Andrew........cheers Leigh.

Paul w
07-06-2006, 08:08 PM
I got one from oxted, cost around £370 and about 70 quid for a trimmer to fit it...


07-06-2006, 10:46 PM
I have to say Paul yours was fitted very well- even the tenex clips were attached to buckle it down & no ripples in the fabric at all.

Andrew, If you dont have prior experience of removal/refitting the beat hood for sake of 70 quid get a fitter to do it and let him take responsibility.

I bought a Honda one before the Oxted ones became available- but wouldn't swap it for an Oxted. To be honest the Oxtail ones looks better close up but has its drawbacks in that its harder to keep clean and the top of the back window doesnt seem to fit under the hood correctly on a few ive seen- perhaps they have corrected the pattern since....


09-06-2006, 08:42 PM
cheers for the replys everybods ...good advice

choices ...choices

Leigh may give Wessex a call. Last time I saw their shop ...a fair few years ago they had something in the window that belonged in the Motor Museum ...sort of a pram with a engine

I have half a mind to fit myself as it would be ideal to get all the rubbers cleaned up and touch up the hood frame

will keep every one posted as to the end result ...whatever the result !

Mitsuo Shima
09-06-2006, 10:14 PM
Tomas Bako had really beautiful new roof put on his silver BEAT.

10-06-2006, 09:47 AM
Hi there,

Thanks Mitsuo, I like it too :)

A bit off topic:

I'm on Holiday that's why I'm absent from the Japanese class :( it's a shame I know, although we really enjoy our Holiday :)


I found that the Oxted hood is a bit more noisier. I mean maybe it's not as thick but on highways there's more wind noise (and noise in general) than with the dodgy Honda one that came with the car.

Can anyone else confirm this ?


10-06-2006, 11:51 PM
Nolans also does a great canvas top for the Beat, Nicole from down under just got hers done a month or so ago, maybe she has some more economical advice.

Adam you reckon you might do a DIY for us all on the exchange if you have pics etc. I have only done one before and didn't take any, would love to see them if poss.

