View Full Version : My day at Japfest, Castle Combe

21-05-2006, 11:56 AM
Had an absolutley fantastic day thanks to all of the staff and the HondaRevolutions members.

I ended up getting private one-2-one tuition from an ex racing driver which was uber cool.


Then he took me out on the track, got the beat off the speedo on the straights, nipped around the corners and I don't think he had any idea how tiny the engine was! He sure knew how cramped the inside was hee hee!

Then he let me drive, learnt exactly where to brake, where to steer and where to hug the kurbs.

The beat got lots of attention on the stand too, had people coming over just to have their picture taken by it, and there was one couple that hunted me down just to see the only beat there!

I gave them the web address here, so if they're reading this! HELLO! hee hee!

So all in all, a brilliant day. The beat's never sounded so healthy!

And to think, it didn't even have the head on wednesday night!!! :eek:

Pictures can be found here:

21-05-2006, 01:33 PM
Em - glad you had a good day at Castle Combe. It's a great track once you get the hang of it. I'll bet your instructor was wringing your Beat's engine for power on the straights! More than one Beat has blown an engine on this course, but clearly your fresh rebuild stood the test!

Nice set of pics too. Interesting that most of the cars in your pics have engines 3 or 4x the size of the Beat's, but I'll bet they don't feel much more fun to drive.


21-05-2006, 02:01 PM
Thanks John :)

Dave the instructor feller commented on all the 200sx's going past, just after asking me how many gears it had. So I'm pretty sure he wasn't bowled over by it's power, but I think he enjoyed driving it... well apart from being crammed in.

Was a shame about all the damaged cars there, and on the trip home.

I think the beat appreciated the rebuild, and new shiney bits. Didn't seem to be phased at all by being thrashed around the track. No change in engine note, no change in revs.

Nearly did some serious damage though by loosing a wheel nut on the way, and nearly going on track with only 3 on the rear!!!

Thankfully I found it before I got out there, and managed to find someone with a spare one!

:eek: :suicide:

Was so much fun though, never been on a track day before and thanks to all the Marshalls and the kind people on HR I can't wait for the next one!

21-05-2006, 03:04 PM
Just found the video for the GTO crash

Some pics too:



21-05-2006, 07:13 PM

21-05-2006, 10:48 PM
hilarious vid :bounce:

taken my audi's round this track a few times and its not fun on the grass

21-05-2006, 11:30 PM
Videos :) (right click, save target/link as)



In here somewhere is the BF too hee hee!

26-05-2006, 02:26 AM
I'm kind of scared to join all these idiots on track - the guy on that video looked hopelessly inept and, worse still, seemingly unaware of it, and the potential consequences for him and others.

I have a photo of a track day car leaning over so much, the *wheel* is almost touching the ground -the tyre was folded underneath that much! I didn't hang around for very long at that corner.

The track width of full size racing circuits are not suited to the Beat's nippiness. Does anyone know of any outdoor karting circuits that might let you take your 'big kart' round, if only briefly on its own?


20-04-2015, 07:19 AM
Hi is anyone heading over to japfest at castle Combe this year
I will try and make it myself if I get the beat all back together after a respray
Be nice to see some other kei cars