View Full Version : Weird MOT experience

Andrew Fisher
14-05-2006, 09:45 PM
Took car in for MOT, hour later tester rings up saying: "I cannot test your car. Since the introduction of computer-based MOTs, the brake test needs to have the vehicle weight. There is no figure coming up for your car. I have rung the [testing people whatever they are called] and I have spoken to Honda and neither have the weight of your car. The test will have to be aborted, you will have to pay the full fee, get it weighed at a weighbridge and return for a full retest."


I usually lose coherence in these situations, but I was close to tears and managed to say: "I've taken a day off work, it's never happened before, and it's not my fault." (sob!) He went off the phone to 'take another call' and returned saying the testing people had rung back to say he could do it via a test drive carrying a decelerometer.

Job done, advised to get the vehicle weighed before next test to make things easier.


14-05-2006, 09:54 PM
I think its about 760kg but I didn't know they needed to know that

15-05-2006, 06:13 PM
Mine was 840kg with me inside hee hee!

They are 760kg, my matey has a weight bridge as you do and I weighed mine ;)

Andrew Fisher
15-05-2006, 09:57 PM
Whatever it weighs if I'd just said the number he wouldn't have taken it. He wanted on a bit of paper. Official bit of paper. I dug out the edition of Evo with the Beat in but that only had power to weight ratio in it; I think if it had had weight clearly labelled he'd have taken that, but anything off a website I think not.

Never had this trouble before but MOTs have very radically changed in the last month or so. has anyone else had an MOT recently?

15-05-2006, 11:29 PM
guess I have this lovely experinece to come in next couple of weeks

having said that it'll be going to a honda dealer for MOT so I'll be flabbergasted if they dont know

it not as though the Beat doesnt have good enough brakes - discs all round ... how good is that


Andrew Fisher
16-05-2006, 09:30 PM
Good luck. My tester had rung the local Honda dealership - no dice!

Do let us know what happens. It may after all just be a jobsworth in isolation who would've done the same ages ago. I always used to test my car at the local council but since the rejig with MOTs they've stopped doing them. (he may be a jobsworth but he passed the car)

17-05-2006, 02:34 PM
the curbe weight of the vehicle should be reigstered in your Japan de-registration export document.

alternative honda fact book in Japan will have all technical data of the model.

21-05-2006, 07:16 PM
Passed M.O.T saturday had problem with the DVLA database,but apart from that no problems.:D

26-05-2006, 02:34 AM
At last year's MOT, I was conversely trying to convince the technician that the rear brakes needed sorting, but he argued that the machine passed them OK. The problem is that the machine only tests the rears independently of the fronts.

I have a new test soon, and hope to get the rears working at the same time as the fronts, instead of them applying way beyond the point where the fronts have already locked up. It's nasty in the wet particularly.

Someone suggested that the rear brake 'slider's might not be working, and were leaving a big gap from pad to disk that took up too much pedal travel.
